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Posted | Views: 835
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Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.

The Oxford dictionary added the word selfie and twerking and ...

Posted | Views: 16,663
In 2013, the Oxford dictionary added the word selfie and twerking...

They also added Bitcoin.
Learn the definition of Bitcoin and Buy your first Bitcoin.

The United States has the most gold and Bitcoins

Posted | Views: 18,006
 The United States government 
 has the largest gold reserves in 
 the world. 

 They are also the  largest Bitcoin holders 

 Learn Why the United States Government
 has so many Bitcoins and buy your first Bitcoin 

Rapper NAS knows that making money can sounds really good

Posted | Views: 18,006
Nas has eight platinum and multi-platinum albums. He’s sold over 25 million records worldwideHis investment company has invested into hugely successful technology companies like Rap Genius, Seatgeek, SendHub, Robinhood, Tilt and tons more.

He invested millions into a Bitcoin company called Coinbase.

Learn how Bitcoin will change the music game forever and Buy your first Bitcoin
NAS knows that making money can sound really good

Where did the idea for Facebook come from?

Posted | Views: 14,210

Mark Zuckerberg stole the idea for Facebook from the Winklevoss twins. They sued him for $65 million dollars. They then went on to create a Bitcoin exchange, called Gemini and bought massive amounts of Bitcoin.

Learn why their next idea could be bigger
than Facebook and
Buy your first Bitcoin

This man can see the future

Posted | Views: 15,679
Marc Andreessen, is the creator of the first popular web browser, cloud computing pioneer and early investor in Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Skype, Instagram, Airbnb and a ton of other technology companies. 

His investment company has invested over a $227 million dollars into Bitcoin companies.
This man can see the future
He then builds it
Learn why Bitcoin is fundamental to the future of the internet and Buy your first bitcoin.

Move your money like Thor's hammer

Posted | Views: 14,411
Bitcoin is the only money that can only be moved by it's owner
Only Thor can move his hammer.
Bitcoins can only be moved using a private key. A key that is mathematically related to the account where the bitcoins are stored. Without the private key it's impossible to move, like trying to lift Thor's hammer.

Learn how to make your money like
Thor's hammer and
Buy your first Bitcoin.

Samsung Pay, Apple pay and the future of Bitcoin?

Posted | Views: 13,941
Keep in mind that the best way to pay in the 1930’s was a check.
What will the best way to pay be in the future?
If you’ve tried Samsung Pay or Apple Pay it’s obvious it’s the best way to pay in 2015.

Bank of America filed patent to send money using bitcoin

Posted | Views: 13,807
On September 17 2015 Bank of America filed a patent to send money usingBitcoin.
On December 28 1998 the domain was registered.

Facebook is down, what to do?

Posted | Views: 14,873
Facebook has been down for over 15 minutes. 
What do you do?

Learn about Ethereum
Buy some bitcoin. 

Cascades Chronicle - September Edition

Posted | Views: 1,121
Cascades Chronicle
Fall Edition
What is your Spirit Animal?
To play this you have to answer the questions. Once you are done, add up the points. 
 a = 1 point, b = 2 points, c = 3 points and d = 4 points.  

1.If a friend fell down would you...?
  a.Help him up.
  b.Ask if he was ok.
  c.Laugh at him.
  d.Walk away.
2.If you could have $100 what would you do with it...?
  a.Give it to charity.
  b.spend it on something useful.
  c.Bye useless toys.
  d.Do nothing
3.If you could have one of the animals which one...?
  a.Cottontail rabbit
  b.Garter snake
  d.Golden eagle

Bald Eagle (1-3) 
Cougar (4-6)
Jack Rabbit (7-8)
Bull Snake (9-10)
Animal of the Month (11-12)
The Animal of the month 
The Kiwi bird
The Kiwi bird is a very interesting bird. This bird can’t fly, and it looks pretty depressed. Do not try and help the Kiwi because it is a very dangerous and aggressive bird that is known to bite. The Kiwi always tries to fly, but it never works. They make painstaking efforts, but it only disappoints them. The Kiwi is a nocturnal bird, but shields himself from the nightlife. The Kiwi is a endangered species with only 350 birds left in the wild. They are very hard to see because they blend in with their surroundings.The Kiwi is easy prey for big birds like falcons and raptors. The Kiwi primarily lives in the green forest of New Zealand.   
Luke comes home from his first day of school, and his mother asks, “What did you learn today?”
“Not enough,” Luke replies. “They said I have to go back tomorrow.”
Submitted by Luke C., Somers, N.Y.

Luke: Why did the M&M go to school?
Stan: I’m stumped.
Luke: Because he really wanted to be a Smartie!
Submitted by Luke C., Somers, N.Y

Chad: Why do magicians do so well in school?
Josh: I don’t know. Why?
Chad: They’re good at trick questions.
Submitted by Chad N., Firestone, Colo.

Joe: What’s the king of all school supplies?
Moe: I don’t know. What?
Joe: The ruler.
Submitted by Connor B., Metairie, La.

Teacher: Class, we will have only half a day of school this morning.
Class: Hooray!
Teacher: We will have the other half this afternoon.
Submitted by Kyle S., Chesapeake, Va
Fun Facts!
More babies were born in the US in 2007 than any other year.

Fanta was created in Germany during WWII because Coca Cola couldn’t get the ingredients for Coke into Germany.

On average, an American will eat 6,000 pieces of pizza in their lifetime. That’s a lot of pizza!

The Titanic was the very first ship to ever use the SOS signal.

Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other.

Cows have best friends.

Oregon is the only state to have an official state nut. The state nut is the hazelnut.

All of the water in Oregon’s Lost Lake drained into a mysterious hole. No one knows where the hole goes.

The world’s smallest mammal, the bumble bat, is found in Thailand.

You hand is made of 26 bones.
New Kids!
Welcome back to school everyone! Welcome to 2015 at Cascades Academy. This year I hope you enjoy your classes. Here are a list of the new kids. Make them feel welcome!

5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
10th Grade

11th Grade
12th Grade
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
Pre Ks

Sports Section
We are going to interview Manhattan Wood about the volleyball team.
Wyatt: Do you like the team?
Manhattan: Yes I like the team.
Wyatt: How do you feel about the game?
Manhattan: I think it is very interactive with your teammates.
Wyatt: Do you think you will win?
Manhattan: No, because a lot of us haven't played.
Wyatt: How is practice?
Manhattan: First we set up the net, run 2 laps, practice serves, and play a mini volleyball game.
We will now interview Max Nye in cross country 

Wyatt: What is a typical day in cross country?
Max: After school we drive to Shevlin Park and then do our warm up. Then we run 1.5-4 miles. After that we do 4 short sprints then we stretch, and then sit in the river.
Wyatt: Is it hard?
Max: It's a good challenge and it takes hard work and perseverance.
Wyatt: How far do you run a day?
Max: 0-4 miles.
Wyatt: Tell me about a what a meet is.
Max: ”You go to a place and split up into girls and boys then you compete.

Happy Halloween!
 Mu ha ha! It’s almost Halloween, and what are you going to be? A bat, a cat it’s totally up to you. Halloween is when the ghouls and the ghosts come out, the bats and cats, but last but not least whatever you want to be. Going out to trick or treat, and get all you want to eat. Fun times and lots of rhymes.This Halloween will be totally unseen. The haunted carnival will be a blast! Dancing and treating yourself to all to fun games, singing and laughing you will be untamed. Running through the haunted house. When inside you'll find a mouse. When you come out you’ll be fine, and by the end you will have had a good time. 
This Month's Horoscopes
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) 
You will become a unicorn on Halloween Eve.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
You will see a unicorn in a dream.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
You will see the Haunt of Halloween on Halloween night.
Aries (March 21-31 April)
You will turn into a pumpkin on Halloween.
Taurus (April 20-20 May)
You will become a zombie tomorrow morning.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You’ll see the most monstrous thing ever.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You will be haunted on Halloween.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
On Halloween you’ll disappear.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
If you like pink and love to think
on Halloween you’ll see the a haunted ghost.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
On Halloween you will see a mouse in a haunted house so don’t freak out!
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
If love candy and are very handy
on Halloween you will seeeeee
the monster of halloween.
Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)
The monster of October
will haunt you in your sleep and
it will sweep you off your feet.

September-October Birthdays!

Lower Schoolers 
Lola Mora-Moreno 10/12
Finley Ryan-Ranstad 09/08
Caroline Schweppe 10/13
Ivy Campbell 09/20
Gabe Young Fenstermacher 09/20
Addison Cox 10/16
Alex Young 10/02
Katie Kirkendol 10/20
Kellen Rather 10/15
Will Goodman 09/23
Eva Junkin 10/29
Miles Campbell 10/01
Colin Shilliam 09/29
Dominic Pistocchi 09/21
Lilly Audette 09/15
Evan Hickey 09/08
Kristof Klees 09/18
Ruby Tien 09/16

Middle Schoolers 
Jerry Bond Nye 09/18
Ella Messih 10/08
Ella Garner 09/21
Soren Callaghan 09/21
Noah Schotthoefer 09/17
Jackson Junkin 09/08
Lainey Bohnert 10/14
Byron Fox 10/12

High Schoolers 
Matthew Congedo 09/03
Emily Touchette 10/22
Rya Hickey 10/01
Nhan Dang 10/01
Brady Boos 10/10
Ingimar Thorgeirsson 09/02 

Cecily Brown Doing Paintings

Posted | Views: 18,616
"I’m not the kind of artist who has an idea and then carries it out; it’s more like I find what the idea was through doing the paintings."
- Cecily Brown 

Tesla vs Edison

Posted | Views: 21,337

New York City subway rat taking pizza home (Video)

Posted | Views: 15,191
NYC Subway Rat Loves Pizza 
New York subway stations are infamous for being disgusting. Wether it's a homeless dude slapping crap in a sock into a woman's face or seeing rats running around. This one takes the cake. This video we see a rat taking home his earnings. Everyone in New York loves do the rats! 

Second Chances - A Group Exhibition

Posted | Views: 14,393

Monet - Joy and Torment

Posted | Views: 15,906
Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.

- Claude Monet 


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