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you snuck in my window and seared an x over my heart with fingertips like the shadows on my wall.
you slip through my skin like a secret
and i lock you in my chest because i do not want you to go. but like a ghost, you drift away from me,
leaving a hole like the hesitance between breaths
and an unbearable silence in your absence.
you return in the night when my blood
is sluggish in my veins, you sidle up
and tap me on the shoulder
as if you’ve been standing next to me
since the beginning of time,
and i can’t fathom how i could have forgotten,
or how i could have missed you so much.
 there are days when you are no more
than a whisper clinging to the back of my neck,
or a drumbeat only i can hear, and there are days
when your words echo through my bones
and they shatter
like glass, there are days
when you rage through my blood like a fever
and make me want to punch myself in the face,
and there are days
when i can’t breathe.
and in the darkness your voice was a choir painted gold that shone through my dreams, shone in a halo
around your smoke-stained face,
and i believed in you like a myth.
i believed in you as the lights flickered
and the sky broke under the weight of the world,
and i believed in you when the blackness came, i —
i believe in you
so wrap me in your wings
bring me
- Anna Serafini

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“One may be nice on the outside but on the inside isn't pretty” 
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- Rebecca Walker
Photo by Claudia Morales

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To The Reader

This is it. This is happening. I've been trying to make Scruds happen for some time now and it's insane I get to do it so freely. I have been insanely alienated from the world for the past couple of months it's weird to think I can finally speak my mind. And a lot has happened in between: coming out, coming to terms with my mental illness, discovering new reads and listen, protested, fell in love, bought some records, etc.

The mere idea of making this project possible and watch it take off as it goes is truly mesmerizing. I envisioned Scruds as a call for equality embellished in the efforts of some of my best friends. Inside these pages you will find that we have a zero tolerance for racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic behaviour. Everyone involved in the making of this very first issue has gone through a lot and are deserving of the respect that comes with being great musicians, poets, writers, painters, and artists. But it's more than okay; It is beautiful to realize our common goals are consolidated into a desire for change.

On this feature, you will find male, female, transgender, genderfluid/queer artists of divergent backgrounds whom I have formed incredibly beautiful bonds with. I know all of these kids personally and hold them to a great sense of esteem. They aren't preachers or politicians or advertisements or poster children; they merely want to express their joys and fears through a biasless lens. They cheerfully use their art for the cause: to speak against any sort of discrimination and to reaffirm the belief that everyone is born equal and has the right to become whoever they want. The belief that condoning rape is a crime against humanity. The belief we shouldn't be prejudicing against anyone regardless of their sex, colour, orientation and creed. The belief that gender is a social construct that has favoured some and screwed over others. The belief that we can change that. We are one.

So, before you mingle among the pages of this publication, I would love to thank the following people for their help and support:

                                            Dianna Sanchez                    Benjamin Davis            Maeve Holler
                                            Jordaan Mason                      Anna Serafini               Dakota Fahney
                                            Claudia Morales Gomez         Mark Garza                  Gabrielle Steib

Thank you so much guys! I love you!

-R.G Magellan

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Cover by R.G Magellan
As In Love With You As I Am /// Anna Serafini
Organs For Oceans /// Jordaan Mason
Is M Banging Someone /// Maeve Holler
All Night Alright /// R.G Magellan
I Let Myself Go In The Middle /// R.G Magellan

Short Stories and Misc
$4.32 Fried Catfish Po-boy /// R.G Magellan

Album Reviews (by R.G Magellan)
Jordaan Mason and The Horse Museum /// The Decline of Stupid Fucking Western Civilization
Funeralbloom /// Petals
Pile /// You're Better Than This

Interviews (by R.G Magellan)
Mark Garza: how a sixteen-year-old created her own label and why you should care
Unraveler: messy vans and high ambitions


Artwork, Photos, and Illustrations by Claudia Morales, R.G Magellan, Benjamin Davis,
and Dianna Sanchez

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Posted | Views: 895
Cover by R.G Magellan
As In Love With You As I Am /// Anna Serafini
Organs For Oceans /// Jordaan Mason
Is M Banging Someone /// Maeve Holler
All Night Alright /// R.G Magellan
I Let Myself Go In The Middle /// R.G Magellan

Short Stories
$4.32 Fried Catfish Po-boy /// R.G Magellan
I No Longer Hate My Cock I'm Just Mad At It /// R.G Magellan

Album Reviews
Jordaan Mason and The Horse Museum /// The Decline of Stupid Fucking Western Civilization
Funeralbloom /// Petals
Unraveler /// Eyes Open, Fingers Crossed

Mark Garza: how a sixteen-year-old created her own label and why you should care
Unraveler: messy vans and high ambitions

Special Thanks/Links

Artwork by Dianna Sanchez and Jake Silvas

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Cover by Jake Silvas
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Perle Robes formelles

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Si vous êtes incapable de faire le perlage d'une robe formelle pour une occasion particulière alors nous pouvons vous aider à remplir la tâche à la perfection et d'élégance. Lorsque ne importe quelle robe ordinaire est embelli avec des perles, il peut changer son apparence générale et la faire ressembler à une tenue de luxe qui peut aider à tourner plusieurs têtes vers vous. Avec quelques conseils simples, vous pouvez facilement perler la robe formelle que vous avez acheté et d'acquérir l'admiration et l'envie de tous les autres réunis pour l'événement. Vous pouvez styles ad simples et luxueux à la robe formelle avec belle perles. Vous pouvez décorer votre robe avec des perles simplement sur l'encolure ou à la taille, ou pouvez faire tout cela sur la robe. Vous pouvez choisir ne importe quel type de perles ou de la quantité de perles pour votre robe. Quel que soit le type de perles que vous avez choisi, il est toujours simple de fournir votre robe avec des perles. Cela signifie que, la méthode de perles reste toujours les mêmes, quel que soit les perles que vous choisissez pour la tâche.  Avec des perles,robe de ceremonie, perles aiguille et du fil, vous aurez besoin des choses comme un ruban à mesurer, crayons de couleur, tissu, carnet de croquis, tissu marqueur etc. Lancer le travail en esquissant un design simple pour perler sur le tissu ou la robe complète. Vous pouvez faire usage d'un ruban à mesurer pour dessiner les parties avec l'échelle sur le tissu. Si vous utilisez perles colorées sur la robe, il est recommandé de tirer les parties avec des crayons de couleur. Découper les motifs et les épingler sur la robe avec l'aide en indiquant le lieu de positionner les billes alors. Un marqueur de tissu vous aidera à copier les dessins sur la robe. Ne oubliez pas de garder les lignes fines de sorte que les perles peuvent couvrir parfaitement les lignes.  Après un nœud à une extrémité du fil, perles commencer qu'après avoir pris un petit point pour les fixer solidement sur le tissu. Il serait préférable de prendre 4-5 perles à la fois sur l'aiguille et cousez-les sur le tissu. Afin d'acquérir la conception que vous avez voulu, vous devez répéter le processus sur votre robe. Lors de l'utilisation des perles unique, sécurisé ceux étroitement utilisant des mailles. 

World History Daily

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The main dispute stemmed from the fact that the Church was selling indulgences, people were literally buying their way into heaven. In B.C. , they started telling people that in order for their loved ones to go to heaven, they had to pay the church a lot of money, or they would go to the underworld forever. It was a huge money making scheme

World History Daily
Martin Luthers agruments against indulgences in the Catholic Chruch
  Martin Luther's criticism of the Catholic Church was written in a his famous pamphlet called "95 Theses". It was basically a criticism against the indulgence which was put into practice by the Catholic Church during the papacy of Pope Leo X.
 Martin Luther and others questioned the Catholic Church by relying on scriptures, the first printed books became available to the populations because of the printing press.
Martin Luther Sparked The Reformation in Germany by opposing Roman Catholic teachings.
Common people could read and understand the Bible. Bibles were only written in Latin at the time, and only priests learned how to read Latin. The Church used this to its advantage, and sometimes lied to the people what the Bible said to work for the benefit of the Church.
Protestant Reformation Martin Luther 95 theses 
In 1517, the priest and scholar Martin Luther enters the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, and nails a piece of paper to it containing the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation. 
Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536) made some of the same scathing attacks on Church practices as Luther, arguing against the fancy court life at Rome and against the selling of indulgences . Unlike Luther, however, Erasmus never advocated views leading to excommunication.     
 In the 1380s Wycliffe, a professor at Oxford, translated the Bible from the Latin Vulgate into English. He did this because he felt that the Bible held authority over the Church, not vice versa. 
Sales of Indulgences 
In January 1521, Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther. Three months later, Luther was called to defend his beliefs before Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms, where he was famously resistant. For his refusal to deny his writings the emperor declared him an outlaw and a heretic. Luther was protected by powerful German princes, however and by his death in 1546 the course of Western civilization had been significantly altered.

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The Romero Times: Publication 1 Edition 3

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The Romero Times
By: Kenya and Allison , Class of 2020

"One good thing about music is that when it hits you you feel no pain"- Bob Marley. 
Music through the ages was a day to remember.  6th, 7th, and 8th graders have a dance each year. This dance in particular celebrate music from each generation. 

We asked Miss, Mattivi how long it took her and student council to make plans and choices for the dance.  In reply she said, " It took us a little over 2 months to make a plan". Also she said that it took $203 to make this dance come to life. Student council made the decision of what was going to be sold to raise the money that was need to create the dance. Student council voted for the theme that was used at the dance, which was "Music Through the Ages". 

"There are natural leaders, they did things quickly and showed ownership" replied Miss. Mattivi when we asked her if decorating was hard to do with the whole team of students. Miss. Mattivi said, the students behavior was fabulous and she would rate the students behavior a 10. Also she said she never worried about behavior.  

We asked her some simple questions about her musical identity. We asked her how it felt to be DJ Gummy-bear and she answered, " I always joke that I feel like Kanye West here at Bella Romero.   My favorite thing about being DJ is getting to wear the hat", which is a snap-back hat with a gummy bear on the front.  Some steps Miss. Mattivi took to prepare herself for DJ Gummy-bear is, one she dresses the part.  She gets in the mindset by dancing in front of her bathroom mirror and she also tells everyone to call her by her stage name throughout the day.

As you can see, a lot of work went into making this memorable dance of 2015.

Let's Dance Like It's 1999!
By Estefania, Cheyenna, and Nathan, Classes of 2020 and 2019

The K-3 campus of Bella Romero has a lot going on right now. One of their best projects is their mural. The school has decided to paint a mural in one of their hallways to remind students that no matter what Bella's family is their family. We talked to the K-3 art teacher to ask him about this project.

A mural is a piece of art applied on a wall. Murals date from around Upper Paleolithic times. Many famous artists have made many murals. Among the famous artists are Diego Rivera, David Siqueiros, and Jose Orozco. Murals have become a very good way to express yourself. 

"The idea came from Mr.U who thought it would be a good idea to have a mural." Mr. Archibald only had a group of kids that did the mural. Like the leadership team only got to do the mural so it was really cool that those kids got to do the mural. "It's just a reminder that no matter what the students go through at home, this is their home." Mr Archibald says.

The students on the leadership team were really excited about this too. "It's fun because we get to paint the mural." Brenda from the class of 2024 said. The leadership team is the team in charge of painting. The leadership team is a team of students chosen by teachers.

This mural is going to take a few years to complete. Every part is going to be done by a different kid and a different color.   

Student Artwork to Deck the Halls of K-3
By David, Mohamed, and Chris, Class of 2019

Families. We all have them! Did you know that instruments belong to families, too? Well, there are many families in the music world, including the string family, the percussion family, the woodwind family, and the brass family.  The class of 2021 has been working hard to learn to play the brass and woodwind instruments so they can travel and perform for others/  They want to show how hard they have worked and how great and fun music can be!  

Three popular members of the brass family are the trombone, trumpet, and the french horn.  The three most popular instruments from the woodwind family are the clarinet, saxophone, and the flute.  Miss Dodson, the music teacher at Bella Romero Academy 4-8 campus, has done a great job with her students and has helped them create a successful Brass/Woodwind Traveling Band!  

Mrs. Dodson said that she loves being a teacher at Bella Romero. She also says that her students are smart and talented. She also feels very lucky to make music with Bella Romero's family.  Making music can be difficult sometimes and you need to stay motivated to improve!  She said that all instruments are hard to play if you don't realize that all songs have patterns.  

We heard teachers talking about how good they were so we went to see them ourselves to hear them play before the interview. They were awesome! The song the band played for us was Hot Cross Buns, one the many songs they practice to perform. Their teamwork was the interesting thing about the students.  They really had to work hard to perform together!

They started their traveling at 2:00 on the 18th of February thru the 25th of February. Mrs. Dodson says that music is a tradition and she wanted to preserve that tradition. So she wants all younger people to learn to play music because she believes it makes there life's better.  Music is a tradition at Bella Romero Academy and always will be. 

Brass/Woodwind traveling Band
Tri star is a really fun basketball competition that gives you an opportunity to compete against other students to go compete and the Pepsi center.

The point for this competition is to just have fun and ball up!! This year many students competed and only a few made it to the Z competition. The third one will be held at the Pepsi center competeing. If you make it,you get to tour around the Pepsi center and you also get 50% of a ticket for the Denver Nuggets game.

The stations were easy. All you had to do was shoot 4 free throws, dribble the ball around some cones as fast as they can. The third one was when you have to pass the ball but instead of passing it to a person you have to hit a target.

In conclusion Tri-Star is a really enjoyable competition people can try for fun. Tri-star is only a once in a year life-time!! Therefore tri-star is really fun, you should try yourself.
The newest technology in the school
In Bella Romero, we have lots of new technology. For example, the new 3D printer and the virtual reality goggles. This new technology has made many sorts of stuff thanks to the robotics printing team. Like robot toys, phone cases, and dog tags. "The 3D printer is sick!" Says Aron Vega. The 3D printer that they use is Makerbot.

They also build robots In the class. They build robots with Lego mindstorm and vex robot maker. And with the virtual reality goggles they can turn specific apps into 3D! The 3D printer even printed virtual reality goggles. The robots they made are unique because the are able to bend their joints and they had even made a monkey! The company Makerbot has made custom home 3D printer. Makerbot has made four different 3D printers. The link is

As you can see, robotics is a interesting class. In the class, we have learned that they make robots, virtual reality, and things made with the 3D printer. As you can see the 3D printer is amazing technology. So therefore this were some of the new technology we have in our school.

Prints made by the 3D printer team can be found in our East Memorial Learning Lab at the 4-8 Campus.
By:Alexianna, Yackelin, and Jarissa 2019

Dream team is designed for student to graduate from college.The benefit that student get from in Dream team is to help students to get a career even if school is difficult for them.  Also, they get the opportunity to go to different colleges and possibly graduate early. 

For their last field trip, they went to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. On this field trip they were able to do many hands on activities related to science and medicine.  This is a good example of the types of help that Dream Team offers its students.  

This team is important for many students because it gives them people they can look up to, help to have a good career, and a good life. Many of the students that are in the Dream Team graduate from collage! Here at Bella Romero we care about your career and your future. We're gonna try everything for you! 

Dream Team: Helping Students Succeed
MakerBot Technology at Romero
Tri-Star Tournament

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Où acheter une robe de soirée pas cher Casual ?

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Etre glamour est ce que chaque femme veut et de se acquitter de ce manque, elle passe beaucoup de temps et d'argent. Une femme ne peut être habillé d'une manière appropriée quand il se agit de travailler à la maison parce qu'ils sont généralement dans leur vêtements décontractés comme des pantalons avec un t-shirt ou un jean brut, mais quand vous parlez des soirées et des événements il n'y a pas correspondance avec eux, ils ont l'air absolument énorme et superbe dans ces partis parce qu'ils font des efforts particuliers pour ressembler à une . Soirées et réunions sont essentielles pour toute dame en particulier pour la femme active. Une femme qui travaille doit avoir l'air présentable dans des robes en raison de l'exigence et de besoin d'être à la mode et gracieuse soir comme elle peut avoir besoin de faire des présentations officielles et information . Robes du soir occasionnels sont relativement cher que robes normales en raison de la possibilité d'être porté dans les événements comme les mariages, les fêtes d'anniversaire ou une date. Habituellement les entreprises et les marques célèbres se concentrent sur les robes du soir occasionnels autant que le marché des acheteurs de robes de soirée est énorme. Mais le problème est que toutes les femmes ne peuvent se permettre les robes de soirée coûteux bien que tous d'entre eux veulent regarder leur meilleur. Avec l'avènement des médias sociaux et le marketing en ligne des entreprises; il semble y avoir un grand changement et les variations des prix des robes décontractées. Beaucoup d'entreprises ont commencé à travailler en ligne et pour cette raison la compétition a également été augmenté. Ce est la raison pour laquelle à plus de la vente de chaque autres entreprises viennent avec réductions et offres spéciales pour attirer plus de clients et .  Un autre avantage de l'achat d'une robe de soirée pour mariage décontractée pas cher, ce est que à travers les achats en ligne, vous avez beaucoup de variétés à choisir de plus la taille vous ira parfaitement et par les évaluations des autres clients, on peut facilement évaluer la qualité des robes .  Les robes du soir disponibles dans les prix bon marché ne signifie pas qu'ils sont de mauvaise qualité ou non aux normes des robes qui sont relativement coûteux. La raison de leur prix étant pas cher et basse est parce que les magasins de vente en ligne viennent généralement avec un temps différent de nouvelles variétés par le temps afin de vendre le vieux stock qu'ils donnent offres spéciales et réductions de telle sorte que les personnes qui ne pouvaient pas payer les robes précédemment peuvent maintenant acheter confortablement. Cette technique aide et rend les clients et les vendeurs heureux. Contenu concerné:

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Contrary to
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Chris Vattathichirayil Planning 10 

Choosing the Right Metal for Your Engagement Ring

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Choosing the Right Metal for Your Engagement Ring
You've found the person you want to spend your life with, so it's time to find the perfect engagement ring to symbolize your love (and give her something to brag about to her friends). You've probably already done quite a bit of research on what type of diamond to get, but your choice of metal is just as important. The right metal gives the diamond a beautiful backdrop and ensures the ring will last a lifetime. Arthur Jewelers Engagement Rings offers you the best designer engagement rings, but we also want to be your source from information. Here's what you need to know.

Yellow Gold

Gold was humankind's first currency, and has been valued as a jewelry metal since ancient times. One look at a well-crafted piece of gold jewelry and it's easy to see why. Traditional yellow gold has a sheen and luster that's unlike anything else. You will, of course, want to ensure your sweetheart likes gold jewelry. One clue is the jewelry she already has; if she already owns gold jewelry, especially rings, you can be reasonably assured she'll love a yellow gold engagement ring. If she has warmer skin tones (usually present when a woman looks great in fire engine red, coral, and golden yellow, or if the veins in her wrist look green under natural light), the color of her ring will also make the skin of her hand look wonderful in your wedding ring photos.

White Gold

If your lady prefers silver jewelry, consider white gold. White gold engagement rings give you the elegance of gold, and like other forms of gold, white gold will not tarnish. White gold is also a great choice for ladies with cool skin tones, such as those who look great in berry reds, blues, purples, and true pinks. Take a look at your future bride's wrist under sunlight; she has cool skin tones if her veins look blue. White gold is also a great choice for those on a limited budget, as it has about the same gold content as 24 karat yellow gold. Finally, white gold engagement rings are a great choice if your lady wears a lot of different kinds of jewelry, as its neutral color matches well with other items. 
Rose Gold

Rose gold, which has a pinkish hue that comes from the inclusion of copper, is one of the least common jewelry metals, but is one that's well worth considering. A rose gold ring is a great choice for a woman who prides herself on her individuality, or who wants an engagement ring that won't look like anything her friends have. We also offer mixed metal engagement rings, which include both rose gold and white gold. These are a fantastic choice for women who like to mix their metals or want a ring that can go well with both gold and silver-colored jewelry. 

If you need a more durable engagement ring (a good choice for active women or those who work in high activity fields such as medicine). Platinum resembles white gold but is far more dense. It is highly resistant to damage, will not fade in color over time, and will feel slightly heavier than a gold ring of similar size. Because platinum is more rare than gold, and because it is used in almost it's pure form, it tends to be more costly, making it a good choice for those with flexible budgets or who simply want to go all out. It can also, however, be a great choice women who like understated jewelry, such as a simple band. What you save by not having a fancy ring you can then spend on one that will really last.
Final Thoughts .

At Arthur's Jewelers, we're proud to be Minnesota's bridal jewelry experts. We're here to answer all your questions and help you find the perfect engagement ring for the special lady in your life. You can make an appointment to view our selection, or speak with a jewelry expert online. We look forward to serving you!

April 17th, 2015

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Volume One, Number 14
April 17th, 2015
13 Going on 30 
Story by: Jarod Burks

The curtain opens. The blinding lights go up. The music starts and suddenly you’re transported back to your first year as a teenager. 13 - the age of pimples, ridiculous drama, bad makeup, and cracking voices. Unreal. But in reality, 13 is just another number; which is exactly what this show is about. The preparation for this musical consisted of many hours of constant practice and badgering by the team of directors, especially Mr. Keith. The actors put one foot in front of the other to perfect the art of singing and dancing while staying in character. Senior Taylor Thacker conveys the true struggle of the performing arts:
 “The beginning of every theatre experience starts with the audition. Auditions are such a nerve wracking thing. You are asked to stand up in front of many people who are specifically there to judge you, and all the other people waiting to audition are secretly hoping you fail so that they can look better. However, once you finish your audition and you know there’s nothing you can do, it’s up to the directors.
 “It’s all worth it when the best feeling arises as the directors cast you in a part that they know only you could do best out of all the applicants. Next comes the countless hours of practice and hard work. Practice consists of a lot of physical activity, taking criticism, and stretching your diaphragm. This year, I played the main antagonist in the musical so I was a very mean girl. I would go home with bruised feet from dancing so much and a headache from belting out notes or from wrinkling my brow in disgust too many times. All of these tiring, difficult tasks all lead up to one thing: opening night.
 “This night is so important because it sets the tone for all the other shows to follow it. The nerves are high and the voices shaky, but every actor tries their hardest to impress the audience. This year, we had a cast that was predominantly new to the theatre experience, and describing how it all felt - to be on stage, to hear the laughs, hear the applause - is next to impossible. But as I prepared myself to step on stage, I knew that soon they would realize it was all worth it. The countless hours of practice, the tears shed from mistakes, parts taken away, stress added, it would all be worth it to see the pleasure on the audiences faces when they see high school students perform.
 “There aren’t words in the English language capable of describing the love of theatre I possess and the absolute love I have of sharing my passion with others. As a senior and theatre veteran, I want to say thank you to my entire cast and crew for everything and allowing me to share my passion one last time on the Twentynine Palms High School stage.”

When the Clock Strikes Twelve Story By: Rachael Lemon

Every gal needs a gown for the special night of Prom. The girls on campus have luck from the fairy godmother Mrs. Wilson! Cinderella’s Closet came into existence a few years ago to help those who were in need of a dress; with the help from generous donors and community leaders, the variety of dresses and gowns has grown tremendously!
Originally put on through the National Honor Society, this great opportunity has helped girls avoid the heavy cost of buying a prom dress. Girls who were worried that they would not be able to go can now rest assured, because they can spend that money on a ticket instead! Another perk of shopping at Cinderella’s Closet is a complimentary photo from Frasher’s Photography, accompanied by any other girls that took advantage of the opportunity and found a dress.
The Closet runs for two weeks before May second, and is currently open for any students that are in need of a gorgeous dress and shoes to match.

Getting to Know All About You
Story By: Madeline Quinn

 In today’s society, being able to express yourself without being judged by others - especially by your peers - is next to impossible. But as the famous Audrey Hepburn stated, “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible.’”
 Last weekend, on April 10th through the 12th, some of our own Wildcats learned the importance of doing what others believe to be impossible. Breanna Panzarella, Mark Clinkscales and Justin Perez all learned how to be true to themselves, and to not judge others based on what they see.
 These three Wildcats all went to RYLA, a camp standing for Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, sponsored by the Rotary Club and held up in Crestline, Thousand Pines. There, they learned how to be strong leaders, and encourage others to learn about a person before they judge them and to accept that person’s own opinions. An activity they did to help with this was called the Culture Walk. This activity allowed participants to stand up and speak about what’s going on in their life. “It really encouraged us to come out of our comfort zone and talk about things going on in our lives that we really wouldn’t talk about. It felt nice knowing I could talk about those things without being judged,” recalled Panzarella.
This camp was full of different things that helped improve leadership skills; from games to build trust and teamwork skills to speeches given by multiple motivational speakers, the campers were kept busy for the weekend. On top of helping each other, campers were encouraged to help out with other things. For instance, one major event they helped with was a community project called “End World Hunger.” During their stay, campers helped make and distribute over 10,000 meals for the homeless. Events like these helped open the eyes of many campers.
The only downside to this camp that sounds so fun? You have to be recommended. Not everyone can go. Our three Wildcats were recommended by the Interact advisor, Mrs. Cosgriff, who informed them of the camp. On top of that, only juniors are allowed to attend. However, if you do get a chance to go, it’s definitely worth it. When asked if they would encourage others to attend, all three of them said an affirmative “Yes,” with Panzarella already telling people of her experience and how beneficial it can be.
In the end, all three of them had the same opinion about the camp: that it helped them learn not only about how to see others, but how they see themselves. This camp helped them achieve what many believe to be hopeless. As Mark stated: “It’s a good experience in a whole different world.”