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Nuke Chronicles
Giving the most updated information.
Feature Article:
This the one and only Nate Miller coming to you with the information about the young, hacking legend, Sam Wilson. Sam was caught by officers, while in the process of hacking into Telecomerica for the second time. But, Sam slipped through the hands of the officers, and is now on the run to safety. So, keep your eye out to people because you never know if Sam Wilson id located by you. Back to you Larry.
Movie Review:
Brain Jack is a wonderful, action packed movie that is eagerish from the start to conclusion. This movie includes actors: Alphonso McCauley from Fat Albert(starring as Sam), Corbin Bleu from High School Musical(starring as Dodge), Keke Palmer from The Longshots(starring as Vienna, and last but not least Nadji Jeter from Grown Ups 2(starring as Fargas).
Advice Column:
Dear, Nathaniel,
I have been having some problems in school. One i have bad grades, and two i have terrible conduct. I try as hard as i can, and yet i have all C's and an F, and then my attitude reflects my grades. Im so stressed out with school. PLEASE HELP!
So Stressed
Dear, So Stressed
Theres not so much I can really say about school, its just a hard work and good recieving type place, but that seems to not be working for me. So, i would suggest you study at home and always eat an nutritious breakfast, also i would say to ''Calm down and learn'', you seem so stressed that your probably not receiving any information during class. If you need anything else just write me again.
Love, Nathaniel
Fargas was a very good boy. He could make you smile every single day. Fargas and I played football, until the sun came up the next day. He had a wonderful mom named Sarah and a dad named Bill, they loved Fargas so much. Fargas was smart too, he graduated from Texas Tech, in engineering. I wish he never died, I'm leaving a remarkable person.
Rip Fargas, 2038-2055
Neuro Times
Vegas Hacking News
Teens are waking up today with a big smile on their face! It's the big day for them. Today is the test to find out their match.
Last year we had tons and tons of teens lined up for the test! They all had rosy cheeks, and humungous smlile plastered on their faces.They just couldn't wait to answer the questions! Of course you know that they have been practicing answer the questions their whole entire life! Even though they knew all the answers, they still got nervous. The answers they gave changed their life forever!
Bring your teens down today, so they can enjoy themselves. You will be so happy when you see the smile on your kids faces! Let your teens come, but you really don't have a choice!
It will be an experience that they wont forget. It will be drilled into their brains forever.
First, they will line up in a single-file line. Boys in one line girls in the other line. They will be called in one by one. There will be a person with a clipboard standing there. She will ask you a series of random questions. For example, What's your favorite color? , What's your favorite food? etc... You will then answer, said, question. They will right your answer down on a piece of paper that is attached to the clipboard. You will then exit the testing room. They will compare your answers to the gender you need. Then you have found your match!
We have a brand new motorcycle, special edition, that has never been touched! It is a black Ninja, with headlights. You will be able to see it from miles away. It has a beautiful shine to it! It was
$350, but now we have it marked down cheaper for $250. There is only one in stock. Better hurry!
Phone Number: 123-321-0123
Dear Caroline,
My niece has been sneaking out of the house lately. I think she is seeing a boy, she might even be in LOVE! In my town you have to get a cure, because they think love is a disease. They are so strict, they have guards out at night making sure that you are in your house by a certain time. They watch you twenty-four seven! If my niece was ever caught she would get in trouble and I would get in trouble! Should I turn her in to the guards or keep it a secret?
Dear Horrid Aunt,
If you love her you wouldn't even be thinking about turning her in. You should love her so much that you want to help her! It sounds like you need to have a deep talk to yourself, to see who really are.
If you turn her in she will never forgive you! You should have a long emotional talk with her tonight before it worsens!
The heart is what causes you to love,
Love is a disease....
Delirium has a very interesting plot. It starts out on how Lena and Hana were little and thinking about getting the cure. The big day had finally came! Something bizarre happens and Lena's examination gets messed up. She falls in love with another boy, before they could tell her her match!
Lena and Alex try to escape the town, but Alex fails to make it. Now Lena is left on the other side of the fence all by herself!
This movie really "pops", because it has a lot of twists and turns in it! It will always keep you wanting to watch more!
Miranda Cosgrove, the star of ICarly, is the perfect actress for Lena. She portrays the character so well it's unbelievable!
When I first heard of the movie, I thought the movie would be about a girl who is misunderstood by people. When I saw the movie my mind was blown away!
This movie is intended for teens. Especially for middle schoolers. It is a very interesting movie. The director, Lauren Oliver, intended this movie to be for adults but once it came out it wasn't.
I really recommend this movie if you enjoy a heart-wrenching and an emotional rollercoaster. If you like funny comedies than Delirium is not for you!
Miranda Cosgrove
as Lena
Paul Butcher
as Alex
Jamie Lynn
as Hana
Shemar Moore
as Guard at Wilds
Madlylin Sweeten
as Rachel
Stana Katic
as Marsha
Will Smith
as Regulator 3
Jon Huertas
as Regulator 1
Jennifer Anniston
as Aunt Carol
Mackenzie Ziegler
as Gracie
Kevin James
as Frank
Molly Quinn
as Jenny
Nathan Fillion
as Uncle William
Seamus Dever
as Regulator 2
Adam Sandler
as Brain Schariff
The chief executive, the controller or the regulators, has some openings. The opening is to be a regulator. The chief has some expectations...
1. You must be in shape
2. You CANNOT be an invalid
3. You must be older than 18
4. You have to arrive on time (no excuses)
If you think that you are up to this job, contact the Chief executive. You can reach him at:
Phone: 1-800-work
Email: [email protected]
Fax: ce.218
Deliria Forever
Dear Carolyn,
My friend wanted me to go to this party this weekend. I don't know if i should go though, there will be alcohol, bad things and bad people. I'm scared I don't know what to do?
Sincerely, Flusterd Girl
Dear Flusterd,
If you know that they are going to do bad things and possibly get in trouble, I wouldn't go. I know you probably don't want to be called a chicken or other names, but don't listen to them. Or if anything tell her it's not a good idea and yall both not go. Also I would suggest make some new friends that won't do bad things. It's good to be around good influences. So personally I wouln't go, but it's your dicision but think before you do something you'll regret.
Cows Intrude Evaluation!
On Monday during the Elvaluation cows barged in scaring the kids and workers. Who did this crime and why would someone do this? Gladly no one got hurt or ingured during this fiasco, and elvaluations are cancled until further notice.
Help Wanted!
We need more raiders to keep the town safe.
This job is serious and dangerous.
Military Experience
18 & older
If interested
Call: 268-421-8560
Email: [email protected]
Butterfly is a blue drink that helps prevent kids getting the love illness.
*If wanted* Call: 180-234-5216
Monday, July 27, 2015
Technology Times
Technology is life
Dear: People out in the world
The personal problems we have today is we are to caught up on the internet that we don't even notice the things around our beautiful nature advices us because we are to busy on our phones,laptops,i pods,i pads, even television I wish we didn't have it because we don't get to explore the things we have out in the beautiful world we have I think with out this technology we obsesses over we could maybe spend more time with family instead just focused on the tiny screen that wont get you anywhere in life so I think those are our personal problems I think we should all fix this problem but all of is up to us if we do want to change but you will never know until you try to fix the internet obsession we have over these days.
This weekend i was just at home when i saw a movie commercial and it looked intersting the movie was called brain jack so i decide to watch because it looked intresting so i went whenthe movie started it was amazing it had so many characters so much details the way the boy felt he was going to get away with what ever he has done will someone tell on him and give him away or will h get caught what his doing or will he get away with it and move on.
Advice Column
This is my first time doing this but here it goes, Ok so the other night me and one of my close friends were outside on he's birthday watching the planes fly over us. It just felt right so I leaned in and kissed him, I wasnt thinking at the time but now im worried im going to lose him. I mean yea I was the one who kissed him but I don't see us being more than friends. The other day he tried to bring it up but I just acted like I didnt hear him, I dont know if I should talk to him about it or just forget it ever happened, Im scarede if I say something im gonna lose him or its gonna be awkward please help me!!!
Ok the first thing you need to do is stop ignorning the fact it happened, Thats the worst thing you could do. I know at the time it might seem like you might lose him but if your honest you wont lose him. Just let him know how you really feel and dont say you like him if you dont because that will just lead him on and be ten times worse. And if he does like you more than just a friend tell him it was just a kiss, and if you do lose him then he isnt worth your worry. Its only awkward if you make it awkward it will be fine just remebr to be honest and leard from your mistakes.
Help Wanted
Radio Shack
Looking for part time job able to work late afternoons, weekends, and holidays. If interested call us at 1-800-radio.
Earlier this week a case of a unknown hazards disease was reported at Loganberry Hospital, Its said to life threatening so make sure you was your hands and be on the look out.
Brain Jack Movie Review
This movie is great one of the best ive seen in a while! Its full of action and great for the family to go see togther, Its about a young boy who can't stay out of trouble and its up to him to save the world. Will he fell or will he save the world?! A hazards disease is going around will he figure out whos to blame before its too late will the SWAT find him?
Movie Casting
Sam - Dave Franco/Neighbors
Dodge- Vin Diesel/Fast and furious
Vienna- Emma Roberts/were the Millers
Fargus- Zack effron/Neighbors & High school Musical
Kiwi- Josh Hutcherson/Hunger Games
Agent Tyler- Dwayne Johnson/Run down & Pain and gain
Swamp Witch- Connie Britton/Frozen
Ursula- Livvy Stubenraunch/Frozen
Mall Security Guard- Liam Neeson/Taken
Jaggard- Taylor Lautner
Warden Brewer- Zachary Quinto/ star trek
Sams Mom- Lilly Rabe/American Horror Story
Rat Face- Evan Peters/ American Horror Stories