When you feed a bird, in this case a White American Ibis (I had to look it up, I thought it was a crane) the same things always happens: More birds show up.
Funny enough the first time I heard of Freddy's was from a car YouTube video channel; Hoovies garage. He has a couple franchises and showed a location or two. I was curious but I mistakenly thought it was a local Kansas franchise, so yeah maybe one day when I'm in Kansas.
Fast froward a year and I realized they have alot of location (DUH!). Also a few in Florida! So I check them out and really enjoy the look of the place and the burgers.
My goto order: Double patty cheese burger, fries and a chocolate custard shake!
Past couple years I've noticed some street lights turning purple. I'm not sure what that's all about but it does add a new color to my long exposure street light trails.
The benefits of bulk loading my own film is that I get the same 'first of the roll' effect on the 'last of the roll' shot. Since I have to manually attach the film to the canister that last part gets pre-exposed to light.
And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.