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Buc-ee's Pecan Log

Posted | Views: 3,842
Buc-ee's Pecan Log review: WOW this thing is sweet!


Posted | Views: 4,248
Lomo CN 100


Posted | Views: 3,851

Mel's Neon

Posted | Views: 4,174

Walk Film Diptych

Posted | Views: 3,713
Walk; Who does it better?
Stone that doesn't move?
Screen that only blinks?

Fireworks 800T style

Posted | Views: 2,857

Slide film

Posted | Views: 3,152
I have an Irrational fear of... developing slide film.
Unfortunately with the slide kit I made two huge mistakes.
The first time I self-developed Kodak Ektachrome 100 I used the Cinestill slide developer kit. I used the dynamic chrome version. I was really excited. I’ve had huge success with their regular C-41 kit. I use it exclusively actually, I highly recommend it. 

Mistake #1 
My thermostat was off by probably 5 degrees. I didn’t realize this til months later. Almost all my exposures looked underdeveloped or underexposed. I’m not sure which, it was a huge bummer. I developed two rolls and they all looked bad.
Mistake #2 
Since I didn’t realize it was the thermostat I didn’t know what I did wrong so I didn’t want to try again. I hit pause on slide film and shot the next best thing, Kodak Ektar 100.
Well recently I got myself a new Cinestill slide kit and I’m hoping to give it another go. Stay tuned.

Corn, but not the corny kind

Posted | Views: 3,574
Corn, somewhere wonderful in Fair Oaks, Indiana

Heads up

Posted | Views: 3,943
I was at Seaworld and had my Voigtlander 40mm manual focus lens on my Nikon F80. I keep my lens focused to infinity; Zone Focus, BABY! I happen to glance up and I saw a dolphin in the air. I quickly raised my camera. As I was raising my camera I focused closer, maybe to 10 feet and took the shot. It was quick and I wasn't even really sure what I got. It was all muscle memory. I asked myself; was the dolphin still in the air? 

It's not super sharp but I got the shot! Another example that Zone Focusing works.
Dolphin jumping in the air at Seaworld Orlando. FujiFilm Superia X-tra 400 Film. Nikon F80 with Voigtlander 40mm manual focus lens

Concerned with ordinary

Posted | Views: 3,471
Not particularly good; not better than average...
I think this type of photo ages the best because so few are photographed. But this is actually a very special moment. Remember, this road, with this assortment of cars, in this arrangement, at this time of day will probably never happen again.
but this type of photograph age the best.

Bokeh Balls

Posted | Views: 2,831
Bokeh balls, Kentmere Pan 400 made on the Nikon 70-300mm ED Autofocus Lens

I've been everywhere, man.

Posted | Views: 3,253
When I look at this photo I get such a calm feeling and I get instantly relaxed. It's a rest stop on I-24. The southbound side is also wonderful. I've also stopped here at sunset and it's even more peaceful.
I've been everywhere, man.
- Johnny Cash

Post title...

Posted | Views: 236
           Performance Magazine
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Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.

White flowers

Posted | Views: 3,806
Lomo CN 100

More neon please.

Posted | Views: 3,414
What a beautiful Sign
We live in the modern era so seeing a neon vacancy sight probably isn’t that big of a deal. But, I really enjoy the adventure of hitting the road not knowing where I’ll be staying the night. This was common before and it's something the modern era just can’t replicate.

Edges and light

Posted | Views: 3,160

Crossing at night

Posted | Views: 3,616
 Rail ❌ Road

The Great Smoky Mountains

Posted | Views: 3,138
The Great smoky mountains

The 90's are back, err, I mean, they never left BABY!

Posted | Views: 3,164

When I came across this Cinema I almost couldn’t believe it hadn’t been renovated. Just look at the top antenna thing. Wow, this was amazing to see. Hopefully they will keep this way. It’s so dated it’s almost out of the ugly phase for most people I think.

Nighthawks on Portra

Posted | Views: 3,257
Edward Hopper's Nighthawks on Kodak Portra 400 film