Have You Ever Gotten Chills From a Song?
Dopamine!The chills you feel during the peak of a certain song are caused by the release of dopamine throughout the body. This is the same chemical released when someone is experiencing the joys of food and during sex.
This is something that is triggered in the brain by reward or motivation and is only believed to happen in about fifty percent of people. By this theory, music can be viewed by the brain as a reward and in the same category as food.
What type of music is the best for chills?
One neuroscientist discovered that sad music gives the best chance of getting chills, because it is believed to activate a chill inducing mechanism connected to the ancient feeling of being separated from one's family. It is also believed that sad music actually evokes positive emotion, because sadness experienced through art is more positive than sadness experienced during a bad day. Chills can also be experienced due to the entrance of a new instrument into the music or the element of surprise in it. The one that can give the most intense chills is when you know what's coming and the part you're looking forward to is reached.
Some Songs Can Even Connect to a Memory
It is possible to be listening to a song and all of a sudden you're taken back years to a specific memory or to specific place that had a major impact on your life. It has been found that music activates multiple networks in the brain. This includes emotion, creativity, and even motor actions. All of these can be affected by rhythm, tonality, and timbre. The emotion evoked shows that music can connect to people, mainly through memories brought about due to memories connected to certain songs. These emotions can be the feelings evoked from the tempo of the song, or, if there is a memory connected to the song, the emotions will be the emotions experienced at the time of the memory. The connection to motor actions even proves that music can relate to movement. This proves that music can access more parts of the brain than thought and can affect people in many different ways. It also shows that the music related to the memory essentially acts as a soundtrack for the mental movie that is the memory.
This Song Evokes Memories For Me
When I hear this song, it takes me to gameday every time. I'm walking through the end zone from the field, looking back as the players go on the field. This is something I see every gameday since I'm on the drumline, so the memory seems to have been burned into my brain along with this song, which plays as I'm walking off the field. I experience that memory whenever I hear this song, no matter what.
Now Think of Some Songs That Evoke Memories For You!