Aramis Gutierrez - Artist Interview
2013-09-13 08:47:44 | Views: 13,221
For his current body of work, Miami-based artist Aramis Gutierrez addresses the marriage of Cold War nuclear deterrence policies and recent cultural legacy visible through a visual aesthetic. Actively resisting a ‘fascist aesthetic’, where long-standing symbologies and stereotypes are inexorably linked to an artist’s medium or practice, Gutierrez reveals numerous (sometimes all) layers of a painter’s process to initiate an interactive dialogue between artist and viewer. A firm interest in dramaturgy and cutural myths induce creative polarities which Gutierrez explores in theaters of war and Classical dance.
Nuevas Fundaciones (Group Show)
2013-09-02 10:45:21 | Views: 13,769
Group show - Nuevas Fundaciones with new works by Jel Martinez. Mariana Monteagudo, Kiki Valdes. Opens Saturday, Sept. 28th at Miami Art Sapce
Brooklyn artist Christian Rex van Minnen Interview
2013-08-23 09:52:18 | Views: 13,482
We catch up with painter Christian Rex van Minnen, based out of NYC.
Venezuelan artist, Mariana Monteagudo
2013-08-23 06:27:33 | Views: 12,268
Interview with the doll artist Mariana Monteagudo based out of Miami and Boca Raton.
Art from Dallas, Ricardo Paniagua Interview
2013-08-21 18:38:33 | Views: 14,892
Amazing works by Dallas artist Ricardo Paniagua. Check out the indepth interview
Talk with Meryl Pataky. San Francisco Neon Artist
2013-08-21 11:57:35 | Views: 10,729
Quick interview with welder and neon artist Meryl Pataky. She is based in San Francisco, CA.