The best part of your devastating lives!
Teens are waking up today with a big smile on their face! It's the big day for them. Today is the test to find out there match!
Last year we had tons and tons of teens lines up for the test. They all had rosy cheeks and a huge smile plastered on their faces. They just couldn't wait to answer the questions. Of course you know that they have been practicing them their whole life! Even though they knew all the answers, they still got nervous. The answers they gave changed their life forever!
Bring your teens down today, so they can enjoy themselves. You will be so happy when you see the smile on the kids faces! Bring your kids down today, but you really don't have a choice!
It will be an experience they wont forget. It will be an experience they wont forget! It will be drilled into their brains.
First, they will line you up in a single file line. Boys in one line girls in the other. They will be called in one by one. There will be a person with a clipboard. They will ask you a series of random questions. For example, whats your favorite food, whats your favorite color, etc... You will then answer, said, questions. they will write down your answers. You will then exit the testing room. They will then compare you answers to either a boy or girl. Finally, they will tell you who they got matched with!
Dear Carolyn,
My niece has been sneaking out of the house lately. I think she is seeing a boy, she might even be in LOVE! In my town you have to get a cure, because they think love is a disease. If you fall in love they considered you diseased! They are so strict they have regulators, people who watch your every move, to make sure you are in the house at a certain time. If i was ever caught knowing that my niece has been braking the rules, i would get in so much trouble!! Should i turn her in or kept it a secret?
Dear horrid aunt,
If you truly love your niece you wouldn't even think about turning her in! You should love her so much that you would sit down with her and talk about the problem! But if care more about yourself than her, turn her in!!!
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