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Advertising with a Message: Bluefin Tuna Overfishing

Posted 2011-12-02 20:01:22 | Views: 5,058

Bluefish Tuna Ads

Ad Agency: Ogilvy, Paris, France

Creative Director: Chris Garbutt

Copywriter: Arnaud Vanhelle

Art Director: BenoƮt Raynert

Photographer: Thomas Mangold

"When you see a tuna, think panda. The bluefin tune is now critically endangered to the point of extinction. Industrial overfishing, fueled by the voracious appetite for tuna in several parts of Asia, is killing off the remaining breeding populations. Act quickly to save what's left. Don't sell, buy or eat this endangered species. And please support the bluefin defense campaign. Operation Blue Rage, at www.seashepherd.org"

Ad Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Singapore

Art Directors: Stuart Mills, Anthony Tham

Copywriter: Jagdish Ramakrishnan


And its not just tuna that are suffering - millions of other fish, dolphins, seagulls and sea-turtles get caught in long lines used to catch tuna and end up dying tragic deaths. Even dolphin-safe tuna isn't really dolphin safe!

Ad Agency: Lowe Bull, Cape Town, South Africa

Executive Creative Director: Kirk Gainsford

Creative Director: Alistair Morgan

Art Director: Cameron Watson

Copywriter: Simon Lotze, Natalie Rose

Illustrator: Ben Crossman

Due to our enormous appetite - by the year 2012 or 2013 there will be no more bluefin tuna left. Bluefin tuna are top predators and one of the fastest fish in the ocean - the equivalent of a lion on the land. But, unfortunately instead of sitting up and taking notice, like we did with the panda and rhino, we let this unsustainable massacre continue. After all - what is out of sight, is out of mind! Maybe that's why - despite efforts to educate and raise awareness, many of us continue to consume this highly endangered species without a second thought!

Bluefin is known as hon maguro or toro (tuna belly), when it is prepared for sushi.

Please have a heart - don't eat bluefin tuna. Don't let this magnificent fish - (they can weigh half a tonne and accelerate faster than a race car) - go extinct!