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Posted 2016-04-13 06:36:22 | Views: 736
Who is Jay Gatsby? See Pg 2. 
The New York Tribune
Editor Ron Harold 
European nations preparing for war? See Pg 2.
The businessman that has opponents terrified! What is behind his rise to power? Find out on Pg 2
Printed and sold by the New York Tribune and distributories. Any unlawful printing will be met with criminal prosecution. All rights reserved.
Is illegal bootlegging out of control? FInd out Pg 3.
Page two.
Jay Gatsby: written by Bobby Morse. 
Mr. Gatsby grew up in the American heartland, to farmer parents. When he was old enough, he joined our boys overseas and fought in the Great War. He made much wealth returning, most of it in medicine. When asked about what he most looked forward to when returning to the States, Mr. Gatsby simply replied: "There's only one person I want to see." I'll tell you one thing, that person is in for quite an adventure.
Bootlegging: written by Jane Queen. Bootlegging, or the illegal making and transport of alcohol, is becoming a bigger business than authorities previously expected. To combat this, the FBI is creating the Anti Alcohol Commission, which will track alcohol consumption, and try to trace the origin. Hopefully the AAC will rid the streets of this menace soon.

Businessman: written by Jody Ling. Mike Havenforth wasn't always rich. He grew up in a poor town, West of New York City. However, when he was 16, he discovered he had a knack for investing in companies others thought of as failures. He owned his first business when he was 20, and opened up three more locations when he was 24. At the age of 28, Havenforth merged with two of his biggest adversaries, creating Havenforth Incorporated. To this day he has advice for young men and women, and his parents would certainly be proud. 
European nations preparing for war:
Written by Kevin O'Brian. Recently, many European nations show signs of mobilization of their armies. Most of the tention is in Central Europe, where the German Republic has been showing signs of aggression lately. A political protester by the name of Adolf Hitler was recently jailed, whether this leads to more will have to be seen. At present, the Tribune thinks all of this will blow over, and this "Hitler" will be wiped away in history.
Gatsby Wild Party: written by Joseph Lish. Another wild bash at Mr. Gatsby's house! Only the most lavish and fasionable guests were invited to this wild party, near New York City. I was there, and I saw no illegal activity. Mr. Gatsby himself was seen with a stunning woman, but when asked about her, Gatsby simply said she was an old friend. I'm sure there's more to that story, but digging into it might not be beneficial.
Plague in India? See Pg 3
Italy turning for the better or worse? Pg 3
What's after the Charleston? The next new dance! Pg 2
Next new dance: written by Winston Spencer. What is the next new dance? The Sliver. The dance has become incredibly popular all over the nation, with nightclubs frequently featuring it in performances. The dance is done by shaking like a snake, hence the sliver.
Italy Changing For Better or Worse? Written by Jonathan Criss.

Ever since the assassination of the Italian king Umberto in 1900, Italy has been somewhat unstable. However, one man looks like he's successfully rallying people to his cause. Benito Mussolini, a man of uncertain origin, has rallied people to his cause. He looks to have remarkable influence in a country where madness is never far. The question is, what will he do with it?
Plague in India: Written by Nancy Sharper.

Not since the 13th Century has Bubonic Plague been so prevalent. Sources in India tell the Tribune that hundreds are already sick, and the disease is likely to spread. The United States, along with Great Britain, France, and many other countries are concerned with this illness. They worry about it possibly spreading to their respective countries, and measures are in place to prevent such things from happening. The Plague is spread by the fleas on rats, and dirty living conditions are prime breeding grounds for rats. Please call you local animal control center if you see a rat that could be harboring the Plague.
Page 3
An interview wth Mr. Jay Gatsby, Pg 3
Jay Gatsby Interview