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Posted 2018-10-22 04:53:31 | Views: 436
Football Team Losing With Pride 
By Austin Redaway
On Friday October 12th the boys varsity team fought hard and strong but were defeated at Bangor’s Homecoming game against Bloomingdale. The final score was:
Vikings - 0 Cardinals - 64 
While this has been an admittedly disappointing season, the boys continue to train, work and have high hopes for the future.
Pep-Assembly Pride
By Austin Redaway
On Homecoming Friday the school spirit was incredibly apparent. Whether it was face paint or clothing, the Viking colors were everywhere. The assembly was a scream of Viking pride and spirit. The band played a terrific presentation of the fight song. During the activities, the participants were enthusiastic about the games and fought hard for class victory. The Viking 2018 Bangor Royal Court members were: Count and Countess were Daniel Ruiz and Alyssa Birner Duke and Duchess were Cameron London and Amara Littlefield Prince and Princess were Max McGuire and Maritza Barajas. The Senior Royal Court were Getsamani Vargas and Laisha Ramirez, Grace gleason and Josh Zordan, Ivan Meijia and Elena Guel. The crowns of King and Queed went to Marco Ruiz and Yareli Bentacourt. Congratulations!
Volume 1, Edition 2 October 17, 2018

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Posted 2018-09-16 11:24:02 | Views: 541
Volume 1, Edition 0  September 16, 2018
The First Edition
Christine Sargeant - Senior Editor
     There is really nothing here yet.  But there will be. As part of our Media Productions class, students have the option to create an online newspaper. This is it. Currently we have four students working on this paper; Jamie Latterner (Senior), Eric Wheeler (Junior), Jenrry Medina (Junior), and Austin Redaway (Sophomore). With Eric as Editor, these four will hunt down and report what is going on in the high school, the district and the community.