Planning 10

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Posted 2015-04-17 15:28:04 | Views: 1,240
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Chris Vattathichirayil Planning 10 

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Posted 2015-02-09 00:47:21 | Views: 1,265
Financial Plan 
Why is it important?
Having a good financial plan allows you to have more control over how personal revenue is expended and it's a crucial part of having a stable financial life.
-Organize finance
A good alternative to saving money is investing money. The difference is the potential to grow in value. Saving money only offers proportional growth to the work you put in while investing leaves room to lose or gain money in the process. People are hesitant to do this due to risks but done correctly the chances of a high return rate is high. 

importance of healthy eating and exercise

Posted 2014-12-28 16:21:26 | Views: 1,882
By Chris.v  
Planning 10 Straumford
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