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Posted 2013-03-04 09:32:52 | Views: 2,120

Where are are different volcanoes located?
         Different volcanoes are located in different places. Like one volcano is located  near the Altitlan Lake and another volcanoes are located in Hawaii,Peru,and in Mexico. The one located in mexico destroys  a town called''Acapulco''. The volcano can destroy anything in mexico like the houses in Acapulco can be all covered in hard magma that not even thousands of people can get in the houses to save the people because the magma is so so solid. Some of the rocks are in the summit of the houses. All most every person inside the houses perish inside.
         There are three different kinds of volcanoes theThe cinder cone erupts sudden, and  eruptions.It forms from ashes,cinders,and dust. The shape of the cinder cone volcano is  like a cone-shaped mound. That is all about the cinder cone volcano. The shield volcano erupts slowly,gentle eruption.It forms from layers of cooled lava . The shield volcano is shaped low,gently- shape sides. That  was all about the shield volcano.




Ice Cold by michael

Posted 2013-03-04 07:42:50 | Views: 2,001
  Have you ever experienced a a blizzard?  I believe they are one of  the most dangerous natural disasters that will petrify you with numerous amounts of ice and snow this is not like playing in the snow! This is ice! 
  The very first blizzard was one of the most dangerous that blizzard was called the ice storm of the century. It's harmed many famers and their pastures. Many animals died from blizzards.
      This drastic weather can go down 6%. sharp ice and snow in  your face. you can sink into the ice and snow. Blizzards can cause 
avalanches. this is extreme whether. 
   They can kill many people they can cover cars with snow, break tires and knock down really gigantic trees by freezing the bottom 
and putting it's weight on it.  
    So now what do you think they can even form 
into a twister of snow 2 in 1. They can even break cars by freezing their gas tanks which makes it stop the engine from        moving the car.          
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Avalanche AVE'[lan]'chez
a large amount of snow falling down a mountain peak.
Drastic drast'ick
extreme,this wether is drastic.
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Posted 2013-03-04 07:32:19 | Views: 2,125
     Do you know different types of volcanose? Well your in luck. I know 3 different types of volcanoes. In this article you will learn about a Cinder con volcanoe, a Shield volcanoe and a Composite volcanoe. Also you will learn how  volcanoes will erupt, how it forms and the shape of the volcanoe.
     Do you know how volcanoes erupt. Well I do. First volcanoes erupst steam. Next comes the gas. Last the rocks gets pushed up from the erath.
     Also do you know how many volcanoes are under water in the whole world. Well your in luck. There is about 144 volcanoes under water in the whole world!
     Last but not least do you know how a volcanoe smoke smell like. Well I do. Volcanoes smoke smell bad because they give off gas. Most is steam but mixed in are other gases. Some are poisonous;some like hydrogen, sulflide,just smell bad.
                      Cindercone Volcanoe
     How does the Cindercone volcanoe erupts?The Cindercone erupts sudden, violent eruption. Also how does the Cindercone volcanoe forms? The Cindercone volcanoe forms from ash, cinder dust. Last how is the Cindercone volcano shaped? The Cindercone volcanoe is shaped like a cone shape mound.
                     Shield Volcanoe
     Do you know how the Shield volcanoeerupts? The Shield volcanoe erupts slow, gentle eruption. Also do you know how the Shield volcanoforms? The Shield volcanoe forms from layers of cooled lava. Last do you know how a Shield volcanoe shaped? A Shield volcanoe shape is low, gentle sloped sides.
                  Composit Volcanoe
     Do you know how a Composit volcanoe erupts? A Composit volcano erupts from bothside and violent also gentle eruptions. Also do you know how the Composit volcanoe forms? The composit volcanoe forms from alternating layers of ash and lava. Last but not least do you know how the Composit volcanoe shape. The Composit volcanoe shape is mound,steep sides.
     Overall now you can see why volcanoes are dangerouse. Also, "I bet you learn a new fact in this article."

Hydrogen- a form of a gas

Do you know floods? By:Tayari

Posted 2013-03-04 07:32:13 | Views: 1,888
           Woosh!! Bang!! Ahh what was that was that?Sounds like water that's rising.
               Have you ever heard water like that before? You probaley did. Like when you are on the beach and you hear the waves splash on the shore. You know when you feel the big waves splashing on you but harder and heavier.
              Floods really don't have an exact height. It would depend on where you live. So if you live in a apartment building and you live on a low floor and if there's a flood your house would probably get flooded.
             Dams can also cause floods because if the board that is holding the water breaks because there is a lot of water,the water could make a big flood. The dam could be more then 2 miles long. If there is to much water, small holes in the board can make the water come threw the holes and make the holes get bigger and bigger  and it could break and also can break the wall.
           Rain can also cause floods. If the rain comes down to hard it could flood up the streets and the sidewalks. If the bran on the streets is over flowing and the water can not go down the water can overflood and it would be alot of water on the streets.
          Actually floods are common through out the world. In New Jersey,there has been numerous floods. Floods have been happening there since 1278 to 2013, and "YES" that has been recored. 
         Floods can be distructed. Floods can damage anything and everything. Floods damage,trains,cars,street lamps,and it has hit graveyards,and belive it or not it has hit ''The Staue Of Liberty''.Floods can make you perish.
         I am trying to teach my readers to be safe and that floods can be dangerous. Floods can be distructive to people,animals,places,and properties. It is most important to be prepared for floods and to watch the news to see that the weather is like.




Posted 2013-03-04 07:31:01 | Views: 2,859
Have you heard about Tsunamis?  They can kill you.  They are tall and can get strong.  You can learn more about them in this article.

   Where was the Tsunamis located. It was unknown because they can happen all the time. They have been hear for 1,000 of years and more.

  How do they happen? The plates from under water split or crack and make the waves so high that they can cause distrution. They can kill, drown, and flood.                                                                         

  Do you know how tall a killer tsunaami can get up to.  The killer tsunamami can get massive.They can get up to 5 stories or 100ft or more.  They can take a house to the ground.                                                                                    

   That is how tall strong they can get. Thank you for reading THE KILLER TSUNAMIS.

Natural Disasters

Posted 2013-03-01 15:11:59 | Views: 1,905
Volcanoes, and Earthquakes, and Floods...
An inside look on natural disasters; what a natural disaster is, what causes these terrifying monsters, and tips on what to look out for if a Natural Disaster strikes! 






BOOM! The Volcanoe Erupted! By: Jonathan Ramos

Posted 2013-03-01 09:25:14 | Views: 1,997



      Have you ever heard of a volcanoe? Volcanoes are very dangerous natural disasters. Im going to tell facts about the dangerous volcanoes


      Do you now what lava is and how long does it takes lava to cool down? Lava cools down quick,then it turns into crust.Lava turns into crust when it cools down.


       Do you now what happens when a volcanoe erupts? when a volcanoe erupts it spit out hot rocks and hisses out gases. when the volcanoe cant take the pressure it erupts



        i hope you found these fact useful because that was all the facts i new and i hope u enjoyed them thank you for reading my facts

boom bang its a tsunami by;diorlis

Posted 2013-03-01 09:06:52 | Views: 1,948

Oh no! Its a tsunami! run! run! its a harber wave tsunami.To learn about tsunamis, you can go to the internet or a book. 

What year did a  tsunami hit first?

The first tsunami was Unknowed during 2005 in japan. Tsunamis hit a lot of places and it killed a to of people

How are tsunamis form?
tsunamis form by under water volcanoes, landslides, and earthquakes.

How tall can a tsunamis go?

A tsunami can go up 5 to 6 stories high. Tsunamis can go up to a sky scraper. 

Have you ever seen a tsunami !

Well i have i saw a tsunami on the news that tsunami had a weird name. that tsunami was destroying everything and more than 25,000 people died. tsunami can go 25 miles long. They can be so strong that it can break a skyscraper.

Bam! volcanos by; Jamil

Posted 2013-03-01 09:06:34 | Views: 1,883
   Have you ever heard a  volcano eurputed? I think volcanos would sound awesome ,  but  dangerous.If you want to know more about volcanos listen to my article. 

     What was the first volcaneo to erupt? 

The first volcano to ever erupt was in India. The scientises  believe it was over a billion  years ago.

      What's the most dangerous volcano in the world?
  The most dangerous volcano in the  world is in    
Sumbawa,Indonesia.I believe that it shot out lots of lava. 

           Where are lots of volcanos located?

          The most volcanos are located are in the ocean the number of volcanos in the ocean is 144or more. Also MRS. Choppa says ocean was the Indana Ocean. 

         That's way I say that volcanos are the           dangerous mountains in the world.

              WORDS TO KNOW BOX
            .Lava The hot melted rock  flowing from a volcano.

How Volcanoes Erupt By Tiffany Hunt

Posted 2013-03-01 09:01:08 | Views: 1,850
Have you ever seen a volcano erupt or have you herd of one? Well if you haven't, I'm going to tell you about them and how they erupt!
 Here is how a volcano erupts. A volcano erupts when magma moves up and it comes out as lava througth vents. The gas mixes with the magma. The light, gas-filled magma rises. It moves upward through gaps in rocks around it. It collects in magma chambers are also called hot spots. The magma comes out througt vents or holes in the top and sides of the volcano. It pours out lava.
 Here is how a volcano is active. A volcano is active by steam rose from the hot surface and formed clouds. The clouds sheds rain which turned to steam again when it hit the earth. The earth was a very strange place then. Rocks were so hot that they were molten or liquid. 

 A scientist has discovered a volcano and he was wearing  special clothing to protect him from the volcanoes heat. He tested it's temperature so that people may be warned if there is danger of an eruption.

That's how they erupt. Now you know never to go near a volcano even if it doesn't erupt.         


Posted 2013-03-01 08:33:50 | Views: 1,835
  Hey, have you ever heard of a volcano? Well if you haven't I will tell you about it. After the article is finished,you will know lots of things about volcanoes. After reading it you will want to see a volcano.

                                               How Big Are Volcanoes?
  Well volcanoes are about 9,677 feet. The Mauna Loa is the largest volcano. In a volcano, when magma moves it creates an earthquake. When a volcano is read to erupt  smoke comes out and the skies get black. The smoke is called toxic smoke. An eruption can last up to seven days to stop.

                                         Who Discovers Volcanoes?
  Scientist discover volcanoes. They know when a volcano is going to erupt. Scientist have a machine that detects if a volcano is going to erupt. Scientist get samples of gas given by volcanoes. After a explosion scientist make many measurements to follow the movement of magma.

                                          How Do Volcanoes Get Their Name?
   Volcanoes get their names by how they look. Volcanoes look different. Numerous volcanoes look like a shield so it is called a shield volcano. In a volcano, there are melted rocks. The rocks melt from the hot magma. After an eruption, there are cracks. Inside the cracks, there are melted rocks that are hot.

  Now you know lots of things about volcanoes. You know what a volcano is. That is why I wrote it on volcanoes. Now you know how big they are also how they erupt and how they get their names. 
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MAJOR VOLCANOES by: jordan yeje

Posted 2013-03-01 08:33:39 | Views: 2,385

 Do you think  volcanoes  are  awesome?  If  you don't  you  have  a  major   problem  because  they're  major.                      

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What  Do  Volcanoes  Erupt?

volcanoes erupt steam.  Gases and rocks are push from the earth.  A volcano is a  moutain. That opens downward to a pool of molten rock. below the surface of the earth.

volcanoes erupt steam. Gases  and rocks.A volcano is a moutian.that open's downward to a pool of lava down the center of the earth.    
Are   volcanoes  moutain?
very very old volcanoes don't erupt anymore. their called dormant and sleeping volcanoes. the danger area around a volcano covers about 20 miles of radius.
Are volcanoes moutains?
what was the largest erupt in the world?
the  biggest eruption was at yellow stone . it was about 2.2 million years ago.volcano eruoptions been know  to knock down a entire forest.also volcanoes can trigger tsunamis , flash floods, and earth quakes.
dormant: a volcano that  donest erupt anymore

major: huge
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i said it once and im going to say it again.if you don't like volcanoes you have a major problem

Help! there is a blizzard by David santiago

Posted 2013-03-01 08:33:11 | Views: 1,901
    Are blizzards dangerous?  To learn more about them read  this article ! 
   How many feet of snow can there be in a blizzard ? The snow can reach 10 to 20  inches in one hour. 
     How dangerous is a blizzard ? Blizzards can make your hands so cold and that can lead to frost bite. Blizzards can also destroy homes. About 270 people died in the super storm of 1993. The storm happened from Vermont to Florida.
     How cold is the temperature during a blizzard? A blizzard can be -33 it can be up to 30mph and the thermomerter reads 10 that is cold.
  I hope you learn a lot about blizzards. Do not get frost bite, stay warm people!

Words to know

  miles per hour [mph]

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