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Posted 2013-03-01 08:23:40 | Views: 1,747
         Have you ever been in a avalanche? Well read this article and I'll tell you about it .

             All over the world kids and adults die every day from avalanches. More then 1,200 people die from it every day. People get crushed and barred from it. They ether die from snow bording  or mountin climbing.

             Avalanches are mostly made out of snow because of how cold it is on the mountin top . Land slids can cause avalanches. If you go rock climbing wach out because one rock can cause thousand of rocks to fall.

             A lot of people die from avalanchs but a lot servive from it to. Most people can tell when it is about to happen. Thay can here it to because of the little craking noise it makes.

            These are the resons of how avalanches are bad and how you can stay safe for you and your family.


Posted 2013-03-01 07:47:59 | Views: 1,830
    There are so many earthquakes that happen so far.

  An earth quake  is very deadly type of natural disaster.If you hear or see one drop cover and hold on on a heavy table .Earth quakes are shaking there are also sudden.Most earth quakes are too small to be noticed.They are also violent and occur.

   Have you ever wonder how earth quakes happen?One way is how earth quakes happen is that there are 20 plates along the surface of the earth that move all the times and slowly past each other.Earth quakes also happen when rocks underground suddenly breaks along a fault.This sudden release of energy causes the earth quake waves the make the ground shake.Hundreds of earth quakes every year are strong enough to change the face of the land.
   How do you measure and compare earth quake the size of them when it happens? Seismographs are the instruments that are scientists to measure earth quake shocks.Modern seismographs record their data to a computer and are able to detect a tiny earth tremor thousands of miles away.

     Every year 10,000 people die of earth quakes because of their damage.In japan in 1995 it fliped a free way into its side and cracked the roadway and in numerous places.


Fault - A break in the earths crust with the mass of rock on one side of the break pushed up down or sideways. 

Surprising Volcanoes!

Posted 2013-03-01 07:47:58 | Views: 1,832
             Volcanoes are the most dangerous thing in the world.Do you know what is a volcano? A volcano is a mountain with  hot lava.                                                                                  
              How does a volcano form?
          It forms from thunder storms, Hurricanes ,and Tornadoes. Its eruption is made of hot molten rock from  deep inside the earth. It has too much lava. It also forms by water and hard rocks. If a volcano is steaming hot it will explode. The storms will make it explode.
                               Living  Inside  -                                            
              Do people live in side a volcano? 
     Yes! They live in side. People from Cuba lived in there since generations.They have no air . Did you know they made there own rooms inside a volcano? Well, they do!! The  people made them on there own.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
                              A Volcano Stops Erupting-                                                                   
                   When did Purcutin stop erupting? 
         In 1955, it stopped erupting. By then it stood 1,345 feet (410) tall. Its lava covered 19 square  miles.When it was erupting the people where covered  with hard sand and rocks.It had too much ash when it was eruption                                                                                                    These are some information about volcanoes. These facts are true,they came from the book called 'Volcanoes.'

Hot Rock's In A Cool World By:Helen Tzic

Posted 2013-03-01 07:47:21 | Views: 1,760
       Do you know that every time a volcano erupts and spit out lava they give us new facts?Do you know why I tell you this,this reason is because every volcano is very different.

How Often Does A Volcano Erupt ?
       I ask you, ''How often do volcanoes erupt?'' I bet you don't know that from the top of your head.
But if you read,''Why Do Volcanoes Blow Up Their Tops?''By Melvin And Gilda Berger you will know this fact there in the passage the answer to the question say's that always never sometimes or never volcanoes erupt.Did you know that volcanoes that keep erupting are called active volcanoes.

What Causes A Volcano To Erupt-
       ''What causes a volcano to erupt?''Pressure.Pressure pushes on the under ground pool of magma, and the magma bursts through the surface.In ''Why Do Volcanoes Blow Up Their Tops'' I got my answer.There are more than 500 volcanoes in the earth wow! Imagine that.

Where Is A Volcano Located-
       Well I have a last question for you.''Where are volcanoes located?'' According to ''Why Do Volcanoes Blow Their Tops?'' a volcano is found in every continent except Australia. Wow I would sure like to go to  Australia.

Fun Facts-
       Well, for a fact the sea floor and some mountains were formed by countless volcanic eruptions.The loud crack traveled hundreds of miles and did the most damage including causing loss and broken glass.The sound of an erupting volcano can be quiet and hissing or explosive and booming.You can learn more facts like this by visiting

Words to Know-
Erupt-  To burst forth

Magma- A molten material beneath the earths crust

Lava- Hot melted rock flowing from a volcano

Intense Booming Volcanoes!!! By:Tyenell Hoover

Posted 2013-03-01 07:45:53 | Views: 1,357
Do you know what gets you popping?Well  obviously Volcanoes!!!! This information about volcanoes will make you want to move your eyes quickly on each page.
                      Steaming Magma
    Where does the magma from a volcano come from?The magma from a volcano comes from the ground,it travels it's way into the volcano. The magma gets steaming hot and heats up. Finally,it explodes and turns whatever it heads for into ash. It's called lava.Volcanoes are sometimes called sleeping giants as they get their lava or magma ready to explode.The lava from a volcano is very powerful and destroys whatever it sees in it's sight.

                        Deadly Giants
       Do you know the name of the most deadliest volcano in the world is?The most deadliest volcano in the world is called "Mt.Krakatau".When this explosion occurred people called it the worst explosion ever, more than 30,000 people died in that one unknown eruption that suddenly took place at "Mt.Krakatau".That is how "Mt.Krakatau" came to be one of the world's most deadliest volcanoes.

                      The Ash's Smoke
        Lava from a volcano travels and can be called magma too,but do you know how the lava is after an eruption?How does the lava from a volcano eruption turn into ash after an eruption?The lava from a volcano turns into ash after it's eruption because the mantle from a volcano cracks and lets smoke,magma,lava,and ash come out after it's eruption.Hot liquid rock comes out the ground from earth for any volcano eruption Also,magma is what helps a volcano erupt,while lava is what erupts.So that's the information you need to know about ash and volcanoes.

          So how do you think about volcanoes? I'm just saying that they can get you and your mind to explode,but i already know that it already did.
Words to Know:
1. Occurred - To happen or take place.
2. Obviously - Easily seen or understood.
3. Mantle-The layer of the earth lying between it's crust and it's core.
1. Book-"Exploring Natural Disasters"
2. Website-""

A Smokey Problem by: Ashley

Posted 2013-03-01 07:45:28 | Views: 1,978
    Do you know what explodes and is steaming hot?Its a volcano! this article is going to tell you all about them. 

   Hey guys  do you know how volcanoes get  formed?i do I'm going to tell you all about it your brain will be full of Imformation. Some volcanoes are formed under water made by islands or rocks.Volcanoes don't just form any where its very gentle it like a Craked egg shell. I'm about to give you more Imformation about volcanoes are you ready? 

     Do you know why Mt.Purcutin stopped Erupting? Purcutin is a type of volcano it stopped  erupting because in 1999 it made a huge Explostion and it covered 19 Sqaure miles  when i saw that in a book  i could not beleive my eyes. Keep reading if you want to learn more facts about volcanoes.

   Do you know what was the biggest eruption? one of the biggest eruption is mount st. Helen. It was the most  destructive in the history of the united states. It's  so big that an area of of two hundred thirty square  miles got covered and turned into rock. lots of people lost their homes  and were homeless. The eruption is so big that an entire forest was blown down like rows of matchsticks. 

Hey thanks for reading my amazing artical. Hope you  learned  new facts so you can share these facts with other people who here this imformation will think you are really smart. Well thanks again.
1."""volcanoes+seymour simon"

The Amazing Volcano BY STEVE

Posted 2013-03-01 07:30:59 | Views: 1,980
Have you ever heard of a volcano? A volcano is a dangerous disaster on the planet. They can turn people into stone. Volcanoes are a part  of a natural disaster. There are numerous volcanoes in this world. Do you know which is the largest volcano on Earth? The largest volcano on Earth is the Mauna Loa in Hawaii. It  is 4,169 meters! Sometimes volcanoes are called sleeping giants when they are not active. Hot liquid rocks erupt from inside the Earth. How long do volcanic eruption last? A volcanic eruption lasts up to 7 days. When it stops the lava will cool off. About 30,000 died in the eruption of mount st. HELEN. How do volcanoes form? Inside the Earth between the molten core and the thin crust at the surface, there is a solid body of rock called the mantle, when rock from the mantle melts , moves to the surface through the crust, and releases pent-up gases volcanoes erupt. Extremely high temperature and pressure causes the rock to melt and become liquid rock or magma. Now you know lots of things about volcanoes. Do you like volcanoes yes or no?                 
 Words To Know Box Numerous-many or many more. Magma-hot liquid lava.

BOOM! BOOM! Volcanoes! By Rosario

Posted 2013-03-01 07:30:52 | Views: 2,353
 Run for your life! Tired of people saying that? Well I am, I think volcanoes are very dangerous. Let me tell you why. 
            What makes a volcano erupt?
   Pressure. It pushes the pool of magma. The magma burst through the surface. The explosion is like toothpaste shooting out of the tube when you give a hard squeeze. Volcanoes erupt sometimes or never.I know it's that awsome.
  Do volcanoes erupt underwater?
      Yes. In fact, many more active volcanoes may erupt underwater than it erupt on land. They are called ''rift'' volcanoes. Volcanoes that don't erupt are called ''indoor volcanoes.''     
       How many active volvcanoes are there?
     Probably about 1,500.There is about one and a half billion people living near there.One dangerous volcano in the world is Mt.Etna it has erupted 190 times.  I know wow!
     You'r brain is probably full with facts. Now you know things about volcanoes. For more information visit brain pop or buy the book Why Do Volcanoes Blow There Tops?                                             

Did you know?

Venus and Mars have volcanoes too!

Lava & magma is the samething!


  Active-to be alive; to exist

  Erupted- to shoot something out; to explode

Piles and Piles of Snow! by matthew

Posted 2013-03-01 07:30:17 | Views: 1,908
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Have you ever heard of a blizzard?Blizzards are very dangerous they are not just snow falling from the sky.Blizzards have strong winds and snow that could freeze you.By the end of this article you will be a expert on blizzards.
                                                 BLIZZARDS!                                                    HAVE you  ever thought "what is a blizzard?"Well,from researching I found out a blizzard is, myraid of snow falling from the sky and getting blown by wind.The wind could  go as fast as 30 mph.The blizzard starts when 50 degrees or higher degree drops in a hour.
                                  BLIZZARDS WARNING
   Do you think blizzards are dangrous?Well blizzards re very dangrous because it could give you frost bites and you could freeze.A storm called superstorm killed 270 pepole.Now do you belive that blizzards are dangerous?                                                                 
                                  Stop snow
   Have you ever been in a blizzard for a long time.Well a blizzard could go for one week or two.A blizzard called Nemo lasted about a week.Also in canda and north central there blizzard lasted for a week.
           Frost bites-Its when you are very cold and your skin frezzes
           Mph-miles pure and hour
           Myraid-a very great number

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"Boom" Volcanoes!! By: Zamirah rivera

Posted 2013-03-01 07:29:16 | Views: 1,982
have you ever heard of volcanoes?
  Well you're in luck. This is the perfect article to learn about volcanoes and how they erupt , what  does toxic smoke smell like. Read more to find out about volcanoes.
Do you know how volcanoes Erupt ? 
   Volcanoes erupt by steaming gasses and rocks pushed up from the earth. Magma burst out with hot steaming rocks.
What does toxic smoke smell like?
   Toxic smoke smells like gas and burning ashes .With a steaming smell.Volcanoes smell like that because of the gas most of it is steam but it is mixed in other gasses .It just smells really bad.
   The biggest eruption was at yellow stone 2.2 Million years ago.The explosion produced 2,500 cubic k.m of ashes. That's a lot of ashes more than you can imagine.
    Now you know the largest eruption, how volcanoes erupt ,and what is toxic smoke . That's my article on volcanoes. 
 Words to know:
magma -hot melted rock beneath the surface of the earth 
Eruption- A bursting forth ;an eruption of lava.
what volcano had the biggest eruption