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MLK JR Assassination

Posted 2013-04-21 13:45:35 | Views: 3,087

Martin Luther King JR


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was a civil rights activist who played a very important role in the movement. Dr. King was in Memphis, Tennesse at the time of the assassination. On April 4, 1968 at around 6 p.m Martin Luther King Jr. was shot by a sniper as he was standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel. The bullet went through his cheek, down his neck, and ended at his shoulder blade. His death was announced an hour later. A man named James Earl Ray was arressted for the crime.

Theory #1. Many people believed the assassination was a product of the government.
Theory #2. A Memphis bar owner shot Dr.King.
Theory #3. Some believe that the mafia was behind the assassinatiom.



The impact that Martin Luther King Jr's death had on America was huge. Many African Americans were hysterical about the loss of a man they looked up to. Some took to the streets and acted violent, although many compared Dr. King's ways to Ghandi, in the sense that he sought for peace not violence. The enire nation mourned their loss. He had been the leader of a huge civil rights movement. His death did lead to something great though. His assassination made a bill become more quickly made, an equal housing bill. This bill marked the last big decision of the Civil Rights Era. Even today Martin Luther King Jr. is recognized for his great leadership skills durng this time period, and his speeches are still widely recognized till this day. His death changed America and hiistory because people began to see how they needed to come together as one. He was loved by millions for the things he was doing, but he was taken away in the blink of an eye. This proves his affect on history.

RFK Assassination

Posted 2013-04-21 01:32:49 | Views: 3,718

Robert Kennedy


Robert Kennedy was a United States Senator, who was also brother to John F Kennedy. Robert Kennedy was assasinated a little bit after 12 a.m on June 6, 1968. He was assassinated in the kitchen of the Ambassador hotel where he had recently given a speech. He was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan.

Theory #1. Sirhan Sirhan says that he was actually framed for the assassination. His lawyers stated there was evidence that proved his innocence, yet he is still convicted for the crime.
Theory #2. Many people believe that the assassination was an act of conspiracy. Not only had Robert Kennedy been assassinated, but his brother as well.



Robert Kennedy was running for president when he was assassinated. Many people believed he would have changed history drastically if he was given the chance. Something that changed in history because of his assassination was the amount of security. Those who were presidential canidates were now protected by the United States Secret Service. Many people were very confused during this time period because of all the assassinations that some conspiracies said had governmental influences. It made the country go two different ways on what was fact or fiction. The country was mourning another loss, not just that of a president but a Senator as well.

Sirhan Sirhan

JFK Assassination

Posted 2013-04-21 00:29:12 | Views: 3,287

John F Kennedy


President Kennedy was about to run for the presidency once again. Before he was able to do so, he was assasinated. He had been speaking to Democratic parties in the country, and had mentioned that important states that he would need votes from. These states included Texas. JFK and his wife flew to Texas, where they entered a car with Govenor John Conallie and his wife.  As they drove through main street and then Dealy Plaza, the president was assasinated, on November 22,1966. Lee Harvey Oswald was blamed for the assasination of the president.

Theory #1.There are many theories as to who the president was assassinated by, and how it happened. One is called


This theory is that there was only one assassin (Lee Harvey Oswald), and he managed to have one bullet that went through the president, as well as the govenor.





Some people thought don't believe in the magic bullet and are convinced that there were two people who assasinated the President. One of them said to be on the grassy knoll, while the other was in the school book depository building.



The nation was schocked that the assasination happened. Not only had it happened, but it was caught on tape. The president in this time period had been a way of bringing hope to America. He was very well liked in the younger generation as well. His era was known as Camelot because America almost saw them as royalty, they were young and beautiful. Not only that, but JFK had many things going on in foreign policy. He was trying to get troops out of Vietnam which was overuled by LBJ. The National Debt continued to rise, and his attempt to end the cold war was left unfinished. FDR was known for his quest for peace, and since he was gone, America was deeply mourning his death. If JFK had survived and won the presidential election, history may have been a lot different. LBJ, was forever haunted by the events that occured during his presidency, prehaps if JFK had not been assasinated it would be different.

1960's Reforms New Frontier

Posted 2013-04-15 17:57:15 | Views: 3,575
New Frontier
The New Frontier was a combination of NASA and the War on Poverty combined. President John F. Kennedy was the promoter of the New Frontier. The reform happened because of John F. Kennedy's campaign for president. He filled America with hope. 
The reform was to help those in need who were suffering from poverty while protecting them from the Soviet Union. The reform enhanced Social Security. Not only did it do that, it helped hospital construction and made sure that children were provided lunch at school. 
Unemployment benefits were expanded which are still used today because people who are unemployed receive some benefits. Nearly $800 million in welfare benefits were given to 3 million unemployed Americans. A new housing act gave over $200 million in welfare payments to around 750,000 people.

1960's Reforms NASA

Posted 2013-04-15 17:01:24 | Views: 3,332
The contributors of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) were John F. Kennedy, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Wernher von Braun, and Richard Nixon. Before the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was created, it was known as the National Advisory Comittee for Aeronautics. 
Because of the Sputnik satelitte, NASA was put into full effect. This was also known as the Space Race. NASA's first operation began on October 1, 1958.  The reform occured by the contributors giving the organization money. NASA also helped us to land the first men on the moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
NASA still contributes today by conducting research. NASA also contributes by distributing technology into our economy. It occured by the government giving money to the organization.
Creation Of NASA

1960's Reforms War On Poverty

Posted 2013-04-14 22:25:40 | Views: 3,810


War On Poverty

Although there were many reforms in the 1960's, the war on poverty was the most noble. President Lyndon B. Johnson led the war on poverty. The war on poverty, much like the New Deal, had a purpose to aid those in need. 
The reform was able to abolish almost all poverty among the elderly. It was able to do this by medicare and social security. the reform happened because there were many people who weren't able to afford the basic necessities. Some people criticized the war on poverty because they felt it made the lower class more dependent on welfare from the government. It is also said that it just created a cycle of people that are dependent on welfare.
Another goal of the war on poverty was to help education. It effects us now because medicare and medicaid is still available, along with food stamps. Although it was made to help poverty, the poverty amount stayed the same through the 70's. The war on poverty had its defenders and critics.