
I a writer, designer and consultant.
@Pamela Mhene
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Posted 2014-12-05 04:43:31 | Views: 639
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There is a reason for you to be born in this generation, not the former nor the latter 

Your talent is not meant to benefit oneself, it is a gift for this generation.
It is meant to fill the void in this generation. How have you benefited your peers with your talent, what can the world look forward too from you, who has realized their destiny through your talent. "A small dent is very noticeable than nothing at all".   

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Posted 2014-12-05 02:33:44 | Views: 608
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
you are the statement the world awaits to endorse

Post title...When life happens

Posted 2014-12-04 06:29:16 | Views: 655
when life happens 
Surrounded in beauty, serene and the light of the world. Enjoying the piece piece of cake of life where you are the household name worth to be associated too, attracting different kind of people you never dreamed off all you know is they want to sip into your cup of life.
your life soft as the fresh rose petals, beautiful as clear crystals. The chuckles of laughter of family and friends running as water. A life your unknown neighbour dreams off a novel being read by the guy in the streets.

Suddenly life happens, what seems to be is now not, the bright world turned into gross darkness, and drowning in your floods of tears, tears of shame. The once envied life been incorporated with unforeseen pages, pages not prepared for.

The pain of it being like a persistent hiccup. All you want to do is to close your eyes never wanting to open them. Your face covered in your own hands, associated in a dark room, no lights, curtains closed all wanting to be alone.

Everyone has drifted away from you, all those names vanished into thin air, their back-biting so loud in your ears like traffic. A few to none standing by you.

Your voice can no longer be heard, your opinion no longer matter. Pain is all you find, your heart now broken pieces, emotions smashed and stepped on, dignity and respect lost, identity like vapor in the sight of others, all because life has happened!!!!

many people start life successfully but then suddenly it crumbles, but the question is what do you do when life happens? e.g. when a marriage fails, loose your own job, loose a breadwinner, business crumbles, a loved one dies. What do you do?

Do you shut yourself out and drown in your own tears, like the common adage "First you do not succeed dust yourself up and try again".

Life is for those with a spine, a strong back-bone. Crying is allowed but we do not cry forever, take control of your life by doing what is called "sitting on the table" this is whereby you are allowing yourself to be in control once more, no more pain, grief, sorrow, shame e.t.c. 

Allow yourself to sit on the table and confront your situation and deal with it. A positive word and attitude goes  a long way, it is enough acid to eat away stagnancy and un-productiveness, encourage yourself, pray, seek counsel, find yourself at least one\two people you can trust and who can help you through this walk. We all need someone. The world cannot be conquered by one person, the 2 of you are an enough army to fight and win your battle.

Be aggressive towards life, never live your seat on the table come what may.  

I repeat encourage yourself always with a positive word. Troubles might come but they do not last. You were born to conquer, so do not deprive yourself of your purpose, fill the void creation awaits for you, you are the statement they await to endorse. 

Pain is a feeling that can be done away with and restoration is an action implemented to stay. Restore yourself for the better, the world misses your smile.             

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Posted 2014-10-21 05:12:24 | Views: 678
the danger of assumption 
assumption is the lowest level of getting knowledge. always desire to know rather than assume what has not been spoken.

the danger of assumption creates wrong perceptions over people, behavior, action and attitude.

it is illegal to get angry or withdraw from someone because you have assumed that their action was meaning other wise, seek to understand why they are acting the way they are acting.

relationships can never be built over an assumption. if a man/woman has not spoken how they feel about you , never assume that you are in a relationship with them unless spoken or declared, actions are deceiving but your words are tied to you.

it is not criminal to constantly ask because you want to know or understand you are safer that way rather than assume because you will not have any legal ground towards the individual if you choose the route of assumption.

words make a binding contract, quietness brings peace, knowledge brings understanding BUT assumption blurs your vision.     
The danger of assumption