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Posted 2022-09-07 00:15:00 | Views: 220
           Performance Magazine
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Music...Where Is the Originality?

Posted 2022-01-28 21:50:47 | Views: 204
Performance Magazine
I'm just Thinking Of New ANgles In Music to cover.

i CAME FROM aN ERA WHERE YOU hAD nEW, oRIGINAL tALENT.  nOBODY sOUNDED THE sAME. Those are The artists that got Record deals  --- And deserved Them. THAT IS WHY THEY BECAME sTARS.  i cAN'T sAY THAT FOR Some of this current Generation.
There are Not too Many Mainstream Artists I like anymore.  There are a lot of lesser-Known artist that are Giving me Music that is much better, and give Me The same good feeling of their originality, compassion and are taking the art of real Musicianship seriously.

I will be back shortly with a good crop of those New But Lesser-ExposeD artists instead.

Perfomance Magazine.
When I discovered the music of Anderson Paak in 2016 he was marinating in the background and teaming up with other talents like record producer Knxwledge. (A screenshot of "Lyk Dis" animated video.) As of 2020 Paak has blown up and is teamed with Bruno Mars.