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Hayley Warnham

Posted | Views: 19,435


  • How did you first get into illustration?
  • I've always been a creative person and have been drawing since I was a kid, so I decided to nurture my artistic side and recently gained my degree in Visual Communication where I specialised in Illustration. I chose Visual Communication because after finishing school I was still unsure of what direction I wanted to head, but it gave me the opportunity to work in Photography, Graphic Design and Digital Media before I finally decided Illustration was for me.

  • How would you best describe your style of illustration?
  • It's a playful mix of Collage, Drawing and everything in-between. My work could be considered quite conceptual as I believe less is more and it's always a little rough around the edges. When there's too much going on it all becomes a bit over-complicated and unnecessary - although knowing when to stop is the tough part.

  • Please take us through your design process, where do you start?
  • I usually take some time to think up an initial idea then work from there. I'm a real perfectionist, so working with Collage is perfect for me as it allows the freedom to experiment with positioning and layout of imagery without having to commit to a final composition straight away. Once I'm happy with the layout, I fix everything down and build it up from there.




  • What tools do you use for your work?
  • I'm often found wielding a pair of scissors and a Pritt-Stick, whilst being surrounded by a mountain of Magazines, Newspapers and Clippings. I'm also never far from a sharp pencil and a paintbrush.

  • When illustrating, do you sometimes get blocked for ideas? If so, how do you overcome that?
  • I think it's normal for many creatives to get blocked for ideas. Sometimes they just arrive instantly, but other times it just takes a while for them to develop. When I feel lost I tend to step away from the work and explore all kinds of interesting blogs and sites online, they're great for inspiration as well as leading you onto an endless path of other odd sites.