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massage bars - for one or two?

Cocoa and Shea Butter make up the base of these babies, and each one is flavoured to suit your desires!


There is nothing else that we need to say about our massage bars really - we like to keep it simple


Only question is : How will you use yours?


For yourself: use as an alternative to miracle lotion and apply to dry and cracked bits

Or how about using it to add sheen to your temples, cheek bones, and brow bone?

You can even use this to take away dry ends on your hair and add shine!


For two: Do we really need to give you suggestions on what to do with a massage bar and another gorgeous body? Erm no... but what we will say is, let your imagination go wild, and don't be afraid to have a nibble! (oo err!) Our bars are 100% natural and organic so are fine to taste if you get lost in the throws of passion


Each bar lasts for multiple uses and so why not store it in the fridge to harden between sessions


Choose from Angel Baby Massage bar... the cute innocent looking one, with a heart with wings.... bless!


Or a big hearty, solid, chunk of a bar, no frills, decadant bliss!