
I'm just a young entrepreneur with an artistic vision. We all have a unique story to tell, I can see us all working towards the same goals through my perspective. I do design websites besides this one for artists, entrepreneurs, and personal endeavors. [email protected]

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Fancy Photography

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1. People would say that I’m …..

Easy to get along with
2. When I wake up in the morning I…

Take a shower, brush my teeth, and go on facebook (laughs)
3. I wish..

That I had patience
4. If I had a million dollars..

I would go shopping & buy camera equipment
5. My biggest fear is..

Why live in fear, I say take life as it comes at you
6. What makes you happy

Doing what I love to do make me happy
7. What super power would you have

8. 1st thing you notice about the opposite sex

How they dress
9. Describe your life in one word


when I first started taking pictures it wasn't a big deal to me, and when I looked back on my first picture it really didn't make me feel any way. as I got better and more creative my work made me so overly excited that I had to show everyone what I did. -Fancy

"I feel as though my work could inspire not only me but a lot of people. Thinking and not limiting yourself can bring a lot of good things to your life. And if being different, creative, and weird makes you stand out then your minor goal has been completed." -Fancy