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The Paintings of Aramis Gutierrez

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Aramis Gutierrez

Aramis Gutierrez unpacks narrative conflict with a diligence evident in the medium of oil painting itself. Gutierrez’s imposing canvases frame classic entanglements of romantic and pragmatic relationships, ambition, betrayal, and mortality. His mythologies equate sun blisters and love pains, labyrinthine woods and Evolutionary Psychology. The result is an effervescent study of beauty, longevity, and neurosis within human drama and the history of painting. 

Aramis Gutierrez was born in Pittsburgh, PA and lives and works in Miami, FL.  He studied at Cooper Union where he received his BFA in painting in 1998. He has exhibited in New York, Philadelphia, Miami, Istanbul, and elsewhere. His recent exhibitions include the group show The Wilderness at Miami Art Museum (2011).



Caracas In Civil War (2007, Oil on canvas) 

Winning (2007, Oil on canvas)