
I'm just a young entrepreneur with an artistic vision. We all have a unique story to tell, I can see us all working towards the same goals through my perspective. I do design websites besides this one for artists, entrepreneurs, and personal endeavors. [email protected]

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Diary of a Woman. Part 1

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A Woman Unbridled [A Passion Least Resistant] part 1

the soft scent of lavender. 
the powerful smell of his cologne. 
the heavy musk of our chemistry. 
passionate and heated. engulfed in the flames of lustful desire. 

the morning after, 
sheets in disarray, 
an empty bottle of cabernet, 
and a single string of pearls around my neck. 

i hear him step into the shower and turn the knob. 
hot water that's not quite unbearable, but just enough. 
his favorite temperature. 
he's washing away any trace of last night's escapades 
and i wonder how he's planning to do that with my vanilla mint body wash. 

it's no matter now, 
seeing that everyone at the office knows. 

they know about our intense glances, 
filled with desire. 
they know about our monday evening rendezvous, 
the violets he sends to my desk every wednesday, 
and the private company credit card he lets me use
 to dress myself in the finest fabrics.

the only person that doesn't know is his wife. 
or at least he tells me so. 
but if a woman's intuition is anything like mine, 
she knows i exist. 
it is only a matter of time before everything comes to a head. 
before our cover is blown, 
our alibis are discovered. 
and then.... 
but I live for the now, the present. 
what will happen in the future, I can't detect, 
nor do I bother to know. 
and right now, bacon, eggs, and toast with a side of orange juice 
sitting across from and gazing into my lover's eyes sounds like heaven. 
Wow. My lover.... 
once a seemingly suggestive term, 
now a name sweeter than a ripe strawberry in the peak of its season. 

Author.: Ashley