
I'm just a young entrepreneur with an artistic vision. We all have a unique story to tell, I can see us all working towards the same goals through my perspective. I do design websites besides this one for artists, entrepreneurs, and personal endeavors. [email protected]

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CMS Photography

Posted | Views: 2,559

Cornell 'Tax' Sutton





1.When did you take your 1st portfolio picture? What made you say this was your calling?
*11th grade. My high school had its 1st Annual Fashion show and my work was included on the flyer as promo.  I knew this was my calling once I realized I [created] images of memories that last a lifetime.

2.How do you choose your scenes? *Honestly, I usually go with my first instinct. As soon as a [blueprint] is constructed, I try my hardest to choose locations that are beneficial in displaying my aesthetic to the world.

3.What do you expect from your work? (Present/Future)
*Presently, just to be noticed.

*In the future I'd expect that my drive and creative mind can put me in a position as to where I'd be shooting front covers for any major high fashion magazine or billboards for high fashion stores.

4.What mainstream magazine do you think best suits your style?
*Im sure I may come off as JUST a High Fashion Photographer, but I believe my style is quite eclectic. I can't narrow it down to 1, but i'll throw a couple out there; Vogue, Elle, Complex, OUT, Nylon and Billboard.

5. Place you wish you could shoot?

6. Quote you live by.


Mr.Sutton embodies the voice, abnormalities, and edge of an entire generation in his photography. His art evolves with his personal style and experiences. He captures expression & Unique stories in a single frame..