Wildcat Cult

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Booty Beauty All The Way

Posted | Views: 14,688

Nothing quite lends itself to consumer confidence like a big ole butt, so fashion & beauty brand Bootie Babe brings us tushy-shaped nail polish, perfume and backpacks. I’ve always wanted to carry around my booty beauty products in my booty backpack. Then again I’m also completely nuts, so anything I say should be taken with a grain of salt anti-crazy pills. Seriously though, I can’t help but assume that a perfume in an ass-shaped container is gonna smell like ass. Butt (!!!) who am I to judge? As long as the nail polish smells like nail polish, I’m all good! I love that smell. I hold it in the same regard as the smell of gas and that’s really saying something (I’m saying I’m banned from Exxon). $4+



Fail List # 1,500