Sexy Riot

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Loriel Andre'a

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Welcome yet again, everyone that comes to our webzine; can't just see one issue. Everyone takes a look and reads every issue. The models are exceptional and well, something very close to what we represent, overall punk rock modeling with 100% Value. That's our new saying! Okay, we are so happy that we got Loriel Andre'a to answer some questions in-depth. She is very beautiful, professional and has a clear vision of what she wants to show us. We won't complain seeing whatever she offers. ;-)  Enjoy the read ! - Sexy Riot

What are some things you have just worked on?

I've been working on a lot of different shoots lately not only with my modeling but as a stylist & makeup artist for other models. Some of my favorite shoots lately have been at abandoned buildings also the haunted Preston castle. I've also been working a lot on my music lately & I’m planning on recording soon. I have lots of cool things coming up just kind of keeping them hush hush at the moment.

How did you get involved in modeling?

I was introduced to modeling & fashion at a very young age. I started out with beauty pageants & eventually made my way into modeling. When I was 13 I took modeling & acting classes & that led me to doing photo shoots & runway.

What made you get into alternative modeling? How was it introduced to you?

I've always had a great love for crazy hair, bizarre fashion, piercings & tattoos. I definitely never have conformed to the norm & when I discovered alternative modeling I knew it was exactly the type of modeling that I was meant to do.
Alternative modeling was introduced to me a few years back. I remember looking through tattoo magazines thinking how beautiful the women we're. I just loved how they did things their way & they seemed very confident in themselves. It was very inspirational to me.


You do fashion design too? Tell us a little bit about that

I Sure do.I do work as a fashion designer & stylist. I went to college for fashion design & merchandising & I have put on 3 different fashion shows showcasing my collections. I had been working on my 4th collection but I had to put a hold on it since I am in the process of moving to LA. I am very inspired by Alternative London fashion. Everything from goth, punk, burlesque, fetish, pinup/rockabilly,Lolita, DIY styles. I am known for my use of bright colors and elaborate designs and each collection that I create has many of these design elements incorporated into the entire look. Once I am settled into my new place I plan on finishing my 4th collection as well as designing a lot more eco friendly clothing. I’m also working on a new name for my clothing line.

Where is your favorite place on earth?

My favorite place on earth so far in my life is Patrick's point. Patrick’s Point is in Trinidad, ca. It is such a pretty place with the ocean, trees, mountains & fresh air. I love being outdoors & exploring so that’s pretty much why I love this place. I have gone camping there quite a few times & I feel so relaxed when I visit.

Favorite Halloween moment?

A few years ago I decided to go trick or treating with my friends even though we were definitely not at the age where we should still be going door to door asking for candy… but we wanted free candy so we dressed up to disguise how old we really we’re & people didn’t have a clue. It was a fun Halloween.

What print work have you done thus far?

I have been featured in Gothic Beauty Magazine Front cover Issue 29, Sac Bee Sunday newspaper, American River Current Newspaper, anomie1 graffiti magazine, CRY. HAVOK Magazine, ARR art magazine.

Who would you like to work with?

I would love to work with designers such as Betsey Johnson, Marc Jacobs, Jeremy Scott & Patricia Field, It would be amazing to model for any of them. It would be the most incredible opportunity to work with Tim Burton someday on a film, his work is brilliant & very inspirational to me. I would also love to work with the band Brand New as a model in one of their music videos.