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Secret Number 4

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I am currently reading two books of secrets. One, is the Books of Secrets by Osho, a fascinating 1139-page version by the controversial spiritual teacher from India and the Books of Secret by Deepak Chopra, a doctor and spiritual teacher also from India whom I will have the enormous pleasure to meet this coming August 2012 at the Chopra Center in Carlsbad, California for the “Journey into Healing Retreat.”

In his revealing secret # 4 “Four Paths Lead to Unity” Chopra gives an example on how to master pure awareness learning how to live it.


“In a fascinating text called the Shiva Sutras, which date back centuries in India, Shiva meaning ‘God’ and the word Sutra meaning ‘Thread’ the reader is being shown tiny threads that lead back to the eternal source.


There is a wider context for the Shiva Sutras, which require following the path that is opened up by an epiphany.


In the Vedic tradition, each person can choose four paths that arise from feeling, thinking, acting, and being.


Each path is called a Yoga, the Sanskrit word for ‘union,’ because unity-merging with one reality-was the goal.


Over the ages, the four Yogas have come to define specific paths that suit the kind of temperament a seeker has, although in truth you can follow several or all at once:








Your meditations go directly to the essence of your being. That essence is what love of God, selfless action and knowledge are trying to reach.” Deepak Chopra, The Books of Secrets, Three Rivers Press, New York, 2004.








Bhakti Yoga leads to unity by loving God.
Karma Yoga leads to unity through selfless action.
Gyana Yoga leads to unity through knowledge.
Raj Yoga leads to unity through meditation and renunciation.