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Recognize- Season 5

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"the point you let go...

and stop looking

 for confirmation from


will be when you finally

believe in yourself....

YOU are in CONTROL!"

8 SEASONS - Recognize 5


Listen to this... Do you constantly look to others for approval? Or perhaps you just expect people to care and see things the way that you do? Well I'm sure you know this, but you will never be able to please everyone. Even though you may be nodding your head reading this, thinking "duh! Who doesn't know that?!"  I will have you know that the grouchiest most angry people are guilty of this. Why do you think they are always frowning. Because they spend most of their time thinking that they know everything. So they are mad at the world because they have tried to please everyone and continue running into the same obstacles. A lot of their anger and dissatisfaction comes from attempting to get approval and failing.




The day you let go and stop looking for conformation from everyone, will be the day you start believing in yourself. Once you realize that YOU are in control...the sky is the limit.  Or As I like to say





The Key to all of this is simply controlling ONLY the things you can truly control. Lets say you run a business and have managers that just don't get it and are not supporting you. Being a Leader means putting on your big drawers (that's what we say in the South means "Man Up") and start training and developing your team. At times you may have to regroup and get NEW people who will support you. But you have to make that choice.  You can run around doing everything on your own OR your can build your team to support you and do things BETTER than you could on you own. By the way...this goes for personal home life as well reread and insert Husband/Wife for managers. Except for the get NEW part... don't give up you're love. Often the tools we use to make us better people can have duel purposes. (DIG THAT?!)Get focused and do everything you can, to make the results that you want happen. Happiness and satisfaction are the results of good choices, Positive communication and patience. And trusting that God is living in you. So stop being that grouchy person that ruins everyone's day and RECOGNIZE you are in control!



I love to bring music into to play when encouraging others to live a happy life. So enjoy Katy Perry's song "Firework"

by Nina

Thanks for reading!! please share with someone who needss a encouraging VIBE xoxo NINA