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Moments in Super Hero History

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"Whoa, I made a big mistake supporting a dictator like you. I should stick to Gotham - instead of this international superhero shit." - Batman

moments in super hero


I think we scared them off this time. We didn't even have to use weapons commander. They just saw the stars and stripes and they ran for the hills.- Captain America

Where the hell is Mary-Jane Watson? My Spider senses tell me she's near. But those damn bombs keep dropping and it's hard to figure it out. Once I find her...I'm after Hilter. Enough Already! - Spider-Man

Alright listen boys, Patton isn't feeling good today so that means you are listening to me. First things first, no I'm not a real bat and yes I am going to wear this mask the whole time I'm involved on the battle field. Any questions? - Batman