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Demonic Grave Robbers of New Jersey

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Between the night of July 26 and the early morning of July 27, thieves smashed the glass on the door of the mausoleum where Pauline Spinelli, along with three of her children and their spouses are buried."Cults are one of the things we will look at," Capt. Rocky Melendez of the Pleasantville police department says. "We're looking into different angles of why someone would take someone's remains."

Between the night of July 26 and the early morning of July 27, thieves smashed the glass on the door of the mausoleum where Pauline Spinelli, along with three of her children and their spouses are buried.

Police believe the thieves used a sledge hammer to crack the marble slab that sealed the area.

"They then pushed that slab over, pulled the casket out, pried it open and removed the remains," Melendez said.

Granddaughter Paula Lafollette told ABCNews.com that the only item remaining in the coffin was the blanket used to cover Spinelli.

Lafollette says that the possibility that a satanic cult took her grandmother's remains for a ritual is highly probable.

"We did a lot of research and my husband found a group online that uses bodies in some kind of a ritual and they need the bones for their ritual. The group is called Palo. There were some bodies found in Newark and Woodbridge and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, speculated to have been used by this group," she said. "Who else would want a body?"

Palo is a religion that uses black magic and originated in the Caribbean.

The Satanic Grave Robbers of


Police say that a satanic cult may be the culprit behind the theft of a New Jersey grandmother who died 16 years ago. The suspects broke into a mausoleum at the Atlantic City Cemetery, stealing the body of a woman who had died 16 years ago.










"They then pushed that slab over, pulled the casket out, pried it open and removed the remains

Source: Catholic.org