Absinthe Diaries

Immortal Tattoos, Singapore - For Tattoo Appointments - Email : [email protected] or SMS/CALL : +65 96676536 - FB : Facebook.com/DiamondFangs
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"Only after disaster can we be Resurrected"

Ladies and Gentlemen, please do take note that I will no longer be inking at Acid Crue.

To those who did not know, I have now, moved on to my own Private Home Studio where I work strictly on Appointments. It gives me more freedom as an Artist.

Currently I am looking for canvases to push my portfolio further. With that said, I am now looking for at least 10 canvases where I charge only $100 for a session. So if its a big piece that requires at least 3hrs in one sitting, its still $100 !! And if I like your idea and that can benefit my portfolio, I will extend the hours - End of the day, its a win win situation for both my canvas and myself.

So why wait? Drop me a SMS @ 96676536 or Email : [email protected]

Here are couple of my previous works at Acid Crue. - Maori on Shoulder

Maori on the back of the Thigh