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My Vibe...

Posted | Views: 2,438

Love this life
You can too

Give in & let go

it's long over due


Passing a mirror
Wow that cant be
Almost don't recognize
The vision of me
Questioning ...pleading
Please Save me

Everyone wants to Try
But... Only I can succeed
Battle no more
Ready ...Set ...Free

Switching gears
forward mode

No more flying

Cruising "in" control
Slowing down

Just to breathe

Less errors
no heart break to mend
Time out for madness

Im ready for fun
Living it up

my time has come

Comforting this may not be
Wondering around stuck
Still stuck in between
Looking forward
Everything is reversed

Give in & Let go

LIKE/SHARE/INSPIRE/LOVE [email protected]

Nina B~
