"FUTURESPECTIVE" Opening: Thursday, Feb. 14th 2013 Works by: George Sanchez-Calderon Christopher Carter Nicola Costantino Johnny Robles Kiki Valdes Jel Martinez Constanza Piaggio David Marsh JeanPaul Mallozzi Ruben Ubiera Florencia Rodríguez Giles
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Interview excerpts from Wonderland Magazine. 
 Opening: Thursday, Feb. 14th 2013

You are part of the upcoming group show “Futurespective.” What can you already tell us about the show and your work in it?

I think it’s something very different than what people are used to see. I know a lot of the artists in the show and have worked with some in the past. Most of them are locals, all talented. I believe people will be arrested by the element of surprise behind every corner.

You incorporate found objects such as wood, newspapers and old skateboards. Can you elaborate on why you use objects and make them part of your art?

Yes. I do incorporate all sort of objects and re-claimed wood found on the streets. It is after all our environment. I try to get objects that are unusual, items you rarely see, work with them and assemble a balanced composition with them until something starts to take shape. I find that people relate to these items, which make an initial connection, but then, I change their perspective by creating something completely different and unexpected on top of each ensemble. It has become a true definition of “one ugly item by itself, it’s just ugly – one hundred ugly items, organized and systematically planned, become beautiful.”

You are from the Dominican Republic. How does your heritage inform your art?

In almost every way. First off: color. My island has a lot of color and folklore. I try using my folklore to focus on my heritage, and hide it within my work. I don’t like to scream my origin, but if someone happens to see a symbol or a Dominican item like the “Limping Devil,” guira or drums, then great! If not, no big deal. But the reality is that a lot of ideas I have, have been brewing ever since I was a child in that small island in the Caribbean. I just now posses the tools to do it. My nationality does not dictate my art, but it shapes it. ---- Keep reading this interview right here

Works by:

George Sanchez-Calderon
Christopher Carter
Nicola Costantino
Johnny Robles
Kiki Valdes
Jel Martinez
Constanza Piaggio
David Marsh
JeanPaul Mallozzi
Ruben Ubiera
Florencia Rodríguez Giles

Presented by:
The Rozenblum Foundation
The Michael Margulies Artist Agency

Curator: Kiki Valdes

8:00pm - 11:00pm

2155 Washington Court Suite 109
Miami Beach, FL 33139
(Across from Bass Museum)

More Info: MarguliesAgency.com
[email protected]