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An Interview with Rone

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How many years have you been coming to Miami during Art Basel?


This is the third year.


How long have you been doing murals?


I have been painting since 2001. I would say, on the streets since 2001. I was painting since I was a child really. I have been painting full time, as in I do not have a job anymore, for two and a half years. This is my full time job now.


Have you always painted women’s faces?


I always paint portraits. Not since I started but this is what I have become known for.


Do you know the women you paint?


I work from photo references. I work with a modeling agency. They cast the model and take the photos and have a make up artist to do the hair and make up.

Are they usually from Australia?


They are usually from Australia but sometimes from other places. Last year, I painted a girl from Quebec who happened to be in Australia. This girl I am painting today, she grew up in Australia but she is part German and part Maori.


Do they know about the murals? What do they say?


This girl, she was over the moon. She was so happy. To quote her, her mom “lost her shit” when she saw it.

How do you manage to capture the reflections of light, like in the eyes, and put in on a wall on such a large scale?


I build a grid to make a reference. I work from the grid to make sure all the proportions are perfect and then I just work from the photo reference and render it. What makes someone beautiful is that the proportions are perfect and they are very balanced. To paint a face that is kind of very expressive is easier and maybe an ugly, angry monster where everything can be distorted. In a sense it is a lot more fun to paint that. To paint something that has this perfect balance, it really has to be right.


You always have these paint drips coming down. Why are you using that specific technique?


It is just the way I have developed painting. I kind of like the aesthetic of the drips. It adds to the texture of the painting and it adds a micro detail to it. You can only see it when you are close but from far away you don’t really see the drips. It has an aspect of decay. I like the having something that’s really messy and raw contrasting with something that’s really beautiful.

Do you do gallery work as well?


Yes. I do a lot of gallery work. Same women but on canvas. I rarely make money from painting a wall. I make most of my income from selling works through galleries and releasing prints.


Do you have any forthcoming shows?


I am showing at Stolen Space Gallery in London next April. That will be my first show in 18 months. I might do a show in Melbourne. I have not done a show in Melbourne in over two years. I have been concentrating on doing stuff internationally.


What has your experience been coming to Miami during Art Basel?


It is funny, I just saw my friends who are here for the first time and they said “It’s so crazy here!” and I said “You have no idea! This is nothing. It has not even started yet!”


Are you planning to check out any of the fairs?


Yes I will be going to some of the fairs. Painting the walls is my priority but I try to get at least to SCOPE because I am showing some works there.


How did you come by the name Rone?


My name is Tyrone. It was shortened by my friends when I was 15. I never really did traditional graffiti, tagging my name or anything like that. It just became an obvious alias for me that I decided to use. I do not really do stuff illegally so I could go under my real name but I think Rone is more unique.