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Global advertising is “[advertising] on a worldwide scale reconciling or taking commercial advantage of global operational differences, similarities and opportunities in order to meet global objectives,” this definition was the basis for my choice in portfolio.  After much deliberation, I decided on “internationalism” as my theme. Being an exchange student, I found it was important for me to find something easily relatable, yet also something that I could find interesting advertisements on. My basis for my chosen theme is adverts that bridge cultural gaps.

In the business world today, it is becoming increasingly important to be a diverse and open-minded firm. Also it is becoming gradually more vital to the success of a company to produce adverts on an international scale. More and more ads are learning to focus on diversity in order to keep their adverts and product line adaptable. This theme is not only important on a business scale, but is something that also hits a bit closer to home. Being an international student, this theme is something that I can relate to.