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Featured Artist: Patrick Strzelec

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Featured artist on is sculptor Patrick Strzelec.
P A T R I C K S T R Z E L E C 
Patrick Strzelec makes abstract sculpture. He has been a recipient of numerous awards in sculpture, including the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, the Ballingkillings Project in Ireland, the Rome Prize, Rome, Italy, the National Endowment for the Arts, and numerous New Jersey State Council for the Arts grants. Patrick has shown with the Michael Schultz Gallery, Berlin; Jay Grimm Gallery, New York City; Gary Snyder Fine Arts, New York City; Barbara Toll Fine Arts, New York City; and OH&T Gallery, Boston. His work can be found in numerous public and private collections throughout the United States and Europe. Strzelec is the former Rudolph Arnheim Lecturer in Sculpture at Harvard University.