The Butcher Shop

The Butcher Shop in Wynwood is bringing Old Fashioned Butchery back. We merge retail, restaurant, and Beer Garden into one unique experience!
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Butcher Shop in Ocean Drive

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A canopy of globe lights strung over communal tables beckon wanderers into The Butcher Shop, a beer garden-grill hybrid hidden on a nondescript street in Wynwood. On the patio, bartenders sling craft brews, shots of flavored moonshine, and martinis ornamented with olives stuffed in-house. Inside the former warehouse space, a 24-foot meat case showcases the stuff of a carnivore’s dream: duck sausage, lamb and feta burgers, USDA Prime Black Angus beef, and mettwurst the German employees of Fred Niznik fondly call “the closest thing to home.” 

Butcher Shop Press from Ocean Drive