Khadijah Ana Muslimah

Student at Rutgers/Newark Journalism major
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A comparison of the minds

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 The literary genius Chinua Achebe author of Things fall apart, the father of African literature in the English language and one of the most important writers of the second half of the twentieth century. Was a remarkable story-teller, with such detailed writing that makes you feel as part of the story line, like a character or just as someone standing in the side lines looking in the world he created. African literature is in itself is a passage trough time, is like navigating through a sea and discovering new lands. Each one of these lands been more beautiful and amazing than the next.
 The statement below is not part of the novel, but a response to Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, by Chinua Acebe, “But you have to understand. Art is more than just good sentences; this is what makes this situation tragic. The man is a capable artist and as such I expect better from him. I mean, what is his point in that book? Art is not intended to put people down. If so, then art would ultimately discredit itself.”
 Truly if we compare one novel to the other we can see the contrast of both writers. One with the a detail story line that come from the knowledge of the real African history and the other with the vain misconception of all Africans are savages, ignorant and need saving. Keeping in mind Achebe’s statement will help you understand the impact of a writer as an artist to bring art in clean, factual and responsible matter. How responsible are writers today? This irresponsibility has transcended to all types of media. Can this statement be applied in today writers of any type of media? Judge for yourself.