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About the Author

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     Emily Dreger is a Post-Secondary Enrollment Options student at Alexandria Technical & Community College pursuing her Liberal Arts Degree. She grew up in Alexandria, Minnesota and has an older brother and a younger sister. With her dad owning a business leisure time isn’t very common in her family, so hunting and fishing is one of the few times the family takes off of work to enjoy some family bonding and relaxation time. Besides hunting and fishing, Emily likes to read, listen to music, and sew.
     At two years old, Emily’s parents decided to take her fishing for the first time. Bundled up in her snow pants, coat, hat, and mittens with her little blue fishing pole, Emily and her family adventured out to the lake. Her dad is an avid angler in the winter, but in the summer, he stays very busy with his business. Emily’s dad also likes to deer hunt. 
About the Author
     The way Emily’s dad and brother talked about hunting made it sound fun, so Emily decided she should also try hunting. She went for the first time when she was ten years old. Emily and her dad did not see any deer, but she decided she could try again the next year when she had her hunting license and a gun. Every year since then Emily goes hunting but has not gotten a deer yet. Maybe this year will be the year she gets the trophy buck. 
A Note from the Author:
Hello readers,

Thank you for choosing my magazine to read. I hope that any information in the magazine is not too confusing or boring. I hope you are able to enjoy all of the articles in the magazine. I appreciate your support and hope you will continue to choose this magazine in the future.


Emily Dreger