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The Main Ways to Drop a Duck!! continued...
The major problem with this type of hunting is the retrieval of the ducks when they are shot. It is hard to let them float to shore when they could really float any way or even not float anywhere at all. The problem to this is to bring a specialized retrieval dog. Many land hunters bring dogs because it makes it easier to retrieve the shot down ducks, because the dogs have the ability to swim out to the ducks and bring them in. There should be no lost ducks unless the dog runs away with one, of course.
Than experts would consider the dog improperly trained or not trained enough. Getting a dog trained for getting ducks is a whole process in itself. It is definitely not a two-day process to do that. The right type of dog is needed too because having a small pit bull isn’t going to do when the dog needs to bring back a goose or duck that is about the same size as the dog. Hunting from shore is the most preferred type of duck hunting and is the most cost friendly.
The last way to duck hunt is a much more controversial way to hunt and can make many other hunters angry if done without respect. This is jumping ponds. Jumping ponds is the least likely to happen of the three types of duck hunting because it takes more time to get to each pond or lake than it does to actually shoot at ducks or geese. Many of the times a hunter may not even see a single duck or goose on a pond making it more frustrating than sitting on shore and waiting for the birds to come.
Jumping ponds is when a hunter sneaks up to the edge of a pond hoping to sneak up on a group of ducks feeding or just swimming in the lake or pond. Next, the hunter would go to their vehicle, or walk depending on the distance, to make their way to the next spot. It is very hard to sneak up on ducks in the first place making this very hard to do. All the driving from pond to pond can make pond jumping very expensive. The best way to jump a pond is with three or four people at the minimum. This is because a duck hunter needs one or two people on the other side of the pond or downwind a ways to get a shot at any ducks that fly away too fast. Ducks have the tendency to fly with the wind making it smart to sit down wind from where they could be. The other hunters would need to walk to the other side of the lake and sneak up to the edge of the water without disturbing anything that could be on the water. Having everything go right is hard to do and most of the time does not work if one or two things go wrong.