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MJ vs. Obama

Posted | Views: 779
Smack talk has been apart of every sport forever, but only few people are good at rattling the brains of the opposition. Michael Jordan is notoriously one of the most effective trashtalkers that's ever graced the hardwood floors. MJ was known to get in the head of the opponents on a nightly basis, and even though the GOAT was respected among his peers, he wasn't always liked.  
In a recent interview with Ahmad Rashad, Jordan told Rashad that President Obama was a "Sh%! golfer" and that it would take "all day" to play with the President. You can listen to the interview to the right of this page, but I love the guts that MJ has to take a jab the leader of the free world. 
What happens next is truly even better! Most people thought B.O. would take the high road and give a presidential type response the the MJ criticism, but as Lee Corso would say on College Gameday, "Not so fast." Mr. President shot back at MJ saying that he's never played with MJ, and that he should, "focus on the Bobcats, or Hornets."

WOW! So not only did Obama tell MJ to worry about himself, but he called MJ's team "The Bobcats" on first reference instead of the Hornets. I would bet anything that he made that name error on purpose, maybe to prove a point. All politics aside, I like that the President stood up for himself instead of giving a "Presidential response". Jalen Rose made a good point on the subject in his Grantland podcast when he basically said MJ is the man when it comes to sports and all that, but when you go barking at the front door of the White House it's a whole different story. This back and forth is probably more fun than anything, but it's kind of cool to see these high ranking public figures show flashes of being human. 

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