next day arrives and I’m in pain. Doris and the surgeon whose name I don’t even know yet are talking outside my door. Pressing my button for assistance, Doris comes running in. “What” Doris says in a panThe ic. “What are you and the surgeon talking about” I replied. “Me and John are figuring out the next steps for your recovery” Doris says. I am told that those next steps are recovery, recovery, recovery which was hard for me to hear from the surgeon. As jealous as I was watching everyone else passing by in the hallway with both their arms smiling and laughing I was sure that I had to make a plan to get back at the surgeon. It sounds like I have all the time in the world to strategize. Days pass like years I am so bored, and I’m sick of other people having to assist me with stuff I use to be able to do by myself only a couple of days ago. This is by far the most difficult thing mentally and physically I have been through. I don’t wish this type of pain on anyone in the world except one person John.
One week into this journey of being stuck in a hospital bed and my thoughts are getting more and more twisted. Recently I’ve been able to gain control of my legs and have practiced movements with them trying to think of revenge on John. It was hard enough having to see the man who cut off both of my arms multiple times daily and acting like everything was fine. Then all of a sudden John the surgeon stopped showing up for his daily visits and I asked Doris about this. Doris explains to me the situation and I’m not sure if I like it. See what Doris explained to me is that Johns case is being reviewed by the board of directors and they are going to fire him, and we will have the choice to sue him.
Awhile passes and I start thinking maybe this is the right thing. It doesn’t matter that I was jealous of the fact that he still had both of his arms and had a good job. After this whole time of being trapped in a hospital I never noticed all the people that were actually here for me and care for me. This was the first time since I’ve been in the hospital that I’ve been happy and things were only getting better. Since John the surgeon got fired, and I am able to sue them, I had the choice of money or new bionic arms that will make me the first human robot ever. Since money couldn’t buy me those bionic arms and I really wanted arms again I choose to be the first human robot and I figured I could make money touring the world anyways.
I am now 32 years old, and I’m living the life. Funny to think that just a few years ago I almost lost it all. Now I’m a millionaire thanks to my new arms, and I’m still the only person in the world that has them. I walked past John the surgeon the other day on the side of the road with a sign, and even though this guy took my arms away he was also the reason for all my success. I stopped what I was doing and walked over to him, he looked very different when it came to his hygiene you can tell he has had a rough couple of years. Doing the only thing I could think of at the time I gave him a check and said thank you. It’s crazy to think we each had it all lost it, and then got it back again. Revenge isn’t necessary these days. All we need to do is help each other and the world could be filled with a bunch of “bionic arms”.