The Found Journal That Saved Society
I was just sitting in the airport watching planes come and go, this is a hobby of mine since there is nothing else to do in Denver Colorado. I’ve been sitting here waiting for mine to arrive for hours now. Since there is nothing to do in this town and it doesn’t fit my needs I’ve decided to do something better with my life something everyone else is too scared to do. Let me tell you who I am before I jump into my plan. My name is Austin and I’m 23 years old, also I’m a college graduate with a degree that doesn’t even matter, and live on my own. In the boredom of the everyday job that I hate, and the living on my own I began to do a lot of research that I thought was interesting. I started actually paying attention to the news and realizing the control system of a society we live in. See why one of my very few hobbies is to sit at the Denver International airport is because it’s said to be ruled, and the secret meeting place of the people who really rule the world, the illuminati. They are the reason everything that happens happens, they control what you see on the media, and they pretty much rule the United States. So here I am still sitting waiting for my plane to arrive, yes my plane. I am currently on my way to stop the government and spread the word about the illuminati. The plane ride sucked it was a 3 hour flight from Denver to Washington D.C. the plane was constantly shacking, the airlines food was terrible, I didn’t get to nap because I was squished in between two bigger guys, but that out of the way I should tell you something. I am on a mission, a secret mission that’ll all make sense when it is finished in 7 days.