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Eco-friendly houses

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In the last decade, eco products have become all the rage as people make an effort to be kinder to the environment, as well as their wallets. Some folk however, aren’t happy to stop at solar panels on their roofs, or a hybrid car. Instead they’ve pulled out all the punches in the name of eco living and built some truly innovative houses, which are entirely, or mainly, made out of natural and eco-friendly materials. The possibilities in what you can use to make a house are endless. Wood and stone are obvious examples, but recycled glass bottles and car tires are also great for insulation. Take a look at these examples, all of which are a feat of architectural brilliance.

Stone House: 
House built solely out of stone and wood. it is a very cool house because of the materials it was built with and also very durable.
Eco housing with a hell of a view and also has a watermill which gives power to the whole house.
Torres House:
Made of marble, wood and… volcanic stone!. besides being a unique home by materiles with which it was built , is a striking home for each of the elements complement each others.
Bamboo house:
Japanese style home, made from bamboo. very cool a house and outdoors, perfect to relax and live in harmony.
What Model of House we choose ? 
As a group we chose the model of the house called Riverside . we chose this house because it seemed the most appropriate under the terms of self-sustainability , environmentally friendly and modern. This house is built entirely of wood , causing it to be a very cool and nice to live on it . This house is also located next to a lake, giving you posibility to have a watermill , this watermill is responsible for producing all the energy necessary for the house and also do it in a renewable and friendly to the environment . due the house is next to a lake, it was built over eight stone pillars that serve as a basis to set up the house and not leave at the same ground level, this was done as a precaution to prevent the house is flooded to some climate change or any overflow of the lake . the roof of this house is clay tiles and be comprised of this material makes the house much more fresh and airy.
 Now , inside the house are two floors , the first is the kitchen , living room, dining room and two balconies that offer , plus a great view of the lake, a great freshness . on the second floor are 4 bedrooms where two of these have two magnificent terraces and each room has a wooden pillar in the center which provides stability and support to the roof. as if that were not enough , this home features an extensive system of cutting edge technology as it has within it a satellite that allows you to have cable TV and phone without any restriction , also has an alarm system that is cordinado with light the sun , which darkens when this system is activated immediately.
The advantages of living in a house like this are, on the one hand , you do not have to worry for too expensive bill light as the energy needed for consumption is being generated naturally by a water mill located next to the house . it is also a very cool house , with a great lake near its and that is hotter than this place, never will feel heat due to their clay tiles and their large balconies , which are constantly cooling the house. another great advantage is that it is a house that is far from the city, hence be a place where you find calm , harmony and can live with peace . its great architectural design unlike any other cottage and technology employed in this house makes it unique and impressive. finally the great advantage of this house is that it is projected into the future because it is self-sustaining and environmentally friendly , therefore you will not have to worry about the future because you are already contributing your grain of sand and also because you are making the difference.