Have you ever wonder why tennis players Grunt? Cause I have, every time I watch a game of Maria Sharapova, I wonder why tennis players shout in every opportunity they get. First I though it was because some random player started to do it and then because of him it became tradition to keep grunting but then I thought it was because they teach these player to grunt because it helps them with their technique. As many people say, science has an answer for everything, we are going to use science to explain the real reason of why players grunt while playing tennis.
According to ESPN, there is a real scientific reason of why tennis players grunt or shout. The shout actually aids in the explosion of the serve and in the return of the ball. According to studies made by Sports Science, some players grunt is even louder than some motorcycles and this grunt helps the player to open the lungs and expose the air inside it, this air and lung push gives more power to the serve or any given time the player smash the ball. The studies also states that when a player shout, there are less probability a player hit the ball out, this means that the grunt helps the player with the direction of the ball.