SOHO Sangria

To tell you a little about myself, my name is Breia, and I am an artist of sorts. I pride myself on the personal work I do and it being a bit outrageous and morally questionable. If my work doesn't leave you feeling mildly uncomfortable or disturbed then I haven’t done my job. What is art if not a bit controversial? The sole purpose of this ZINE is to showcase my passion for all things art by telling you about local events, giving you in depth reviews on the music that’s surrounding us, bringing attention to the talent that lives down the street, and providing a place, a home, for all artist to flock to, to share their ideas and advocate their gifts. I want what I am doing to become known as THE Artistic Movement. I call it a Movement versus a Revolution, because revolutions sort of force an idea upon you and make you choose a side, where as a movement, like a symphony enlightens you and provokes feelings and passion that had been dormant within all along.
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