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“Modesty isn’t about covering our bodies because their bad, modesty isn’t about hiding ourselves…it’s about revealing our dignity” (Ray).
The pressures to be beautiful are higher than ever in today’s world. Unfortunately, many woman turn to dressing provocatively to try and suppress those pressures-yes, it is nice to be noticed by men, but what do we really want to be noticed for? Dressing attractively and modestly is possible.
Why is dressing modestly so important? First we have to think about what kind of message we want to convey to others, because like it or not people judge by looks much faster than most of us think. Modest dress shows purity and honor. It emphasizes our inner beauty instead of our outward appearance. Being beautiful on the outside should be enjoyed, and taking care of ourselves is a must. Being modest does not equal dressing ugly. It equals self respect and displays inner qualities that gain the appropriate attention from others. It shows the values of a woman instead of sex appeal. (Stevens)

“Dear girls, Dressing immodestly is like rolling around in manure, yes you’ll get attention, but from pigs” (Orchant). 
Being provocatively dressed shows insecurities and a lack of self respect. It says our worth is in our sex appeal. That is a weak foundation to build our self esteem and self worth. One day wrinkles will show and the outward beauty will fade. Where will our self esteem and self worth come from when that happens? Some people think that these things can come from looks. In reality though, that can leave a person in a lonely state. Ultimately everybody wants to be wanted for who they are, valued and loved for our hearts. Dressing modestly can help a woman express her desire to want to be loved for the right reasons and valued for her heart (Stevens).
Being modest goes beyond just the way we dress. Although a way a person dresses, expresses a lot about who they are, being modest in our actions in our day to day life is important as well. It is not easy to maintain if we think of it as limiting, but if we can keep thinking about all the rewards from being modest-self respect, purity, self worth, honor- it is much to high of price not to be modest (Stevens).
The way we dress is important, and we all want to be seen as beautiful, but what does that really mean? Some women will go to extremes so they can look pretty or beautiful. The pressures to be thinner, prettier, and more perfect, weigh on women (Nelson). Colbie Caillat is a singer song writer who wrote a song called Try. She was interviewed about the story behind the song. This was her response,
“I felt like people were trying to change me in the industry. I was getting so tired of how exhausting it is being a woman, trying to look sexy and wear tons of makeup on TV. And if you don’t people think you look weird or awkward.” She explained that when she went back in the studio with Grammy winning Producer Babyface and her long time co-writers and friends Jason Reeves and Tony, she vetted these frustrations. They responded simply, “You don’t have to try. You need to go against what they are saying.” She conceded, “We wrote ‘Try’ that moment.” (Tuin).
 Not wanting to take away the importance or sincerity of the lyrics, this is just a part of the song.
Put your make-up on
Get your nails done
Curl your hair
Run the extra mile
Keep it slim so they like you, do they like you?
Get your sexy on
Don't be shy, girl
Take it off
This is what you want, to belong, so they like you
Do you like you?
You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to, give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing (Try Lyrics).
The music video for the song shows women at the beginning with their make up on and their skin looking perfect from all the editing. Their hair was done flawlessly as well, later on in the video it shows the women taking off all their makeup and letting their hair down. The editing of the video goes away and it shows the woman in their natural beauty. The song and music video is so empowering and inspiring to woman to just be themselves and realize that they are beautiful just the way they are, without all the glitz and glam.
Being beautiful goes way beyond looks. It is about attitude, character, morals, values, and the way you make other people feel. Being genuine and honest in a caring way displays inner beauty. When inner beauty is displayed outer beauty shows, which is what everyone wants right? We should be focused on becoming a beautiful person inside, and then naturally our outer beauty will shine through. Beauty is something that cannot be bought. Being beautiful doesn’t have a specific height, weight, skin color, hair color, or eyes (Nelson). Don’t be afraid to just be you, be the kind of woman that others look up to, that is real beauty.

Modesty is Beautiful