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Underage Drinking

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 One of the many things that college is infamous for is parties. Students no longer live under the rule of their parents and are excited to be making their own choices. Many people use alcohol as a social lubricant, and in some ways it is. People tend to feel more relaxed and open up to others when they are intoxicated. Parties are also an effective way of meeting new people in college. Before going out and drinking, it would be wise to know a little information on the topic.
 A small survey about underage drinking was created by the author and given to a variety of students on campus. The survey unveiled that most students drank on average three times a week. Most surveyors also reported going to parties almost every weekend. The majority of students that took this survey did just so happen to be under twenty-one, the legal drinking age in the US. A shocking 70% of college student admitted to driving under the influence. Last but not least, two thirds of the students surveyed said they believed underage drinking was acceptable. When asked why they did not think underage drinking was a problem some said, “as long as the person knows how to handle their alcohol” or, “only if the person drinking doesn’t become an alcoholic.” These statements were red flagged, how can anyone know for a fact if a person can handle their alcohol, and when have they gone too far?
 Young people drink less often than adults over twenty-one, but when they do drink, they drink more than adults (NIH). When college students drink on the weekends they typically do not have a drink or two and call it good. For some reason, some people think it is a good idea to drink until they are falling all over the place and vomiting their innards out. When drinking gets to that point it is the body’s way of saying its time to stop, and it is rejecting any additional alcohol that cannot be processed through the liver. Those who only have a drink or two and stop are being slightly more responsible and most likely will not get in trouble, according to some. Little do minors know, if a party is busted and they are caught drinking, the amount consumed will not really matter. The obvious truth is they are underage and it is not legal for them to be drinking in the first place. Binge drinking can be a huge problem for minors. Alcohol poisoning can be caused from drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time. This can sometimes lead to death or immediate medical attention.
 One of the easiest ways to get caught drinking underage is getting busted at a party. Multiple minors can be given in a very short amount of time if college students are all drinking together and the police arrive. Minor-in-possession and underage drinking laws enforce punishment in forms of; revocation of driver’s license usually for at least 30 days), payment of fines, enrollment in alcohol education programs, and community service (Bergman). Always be cautious of what is posted online. Pictures of partying can affect education, future job employment, and many other personal matters. There are multiple risks to partying during college, for some people the risks are worth the fun, if they can even recall what happened that night. If intoxicated, remembering what exactly happened can be difficult and sometimes embarrassing. It is essential to always be aware and able to make wise decisions to avoid some major dilemmas that are usually associated with drinking such as rape, drug abuse, and drunk driving resulting in DUI's.
 Driving while intoxicated. Getting into a car to drive after drinking is never a good idea. Getting into a car with someone who was drinking and now driving is never a good idea. If drinking is being undergone, it is best to plan ahead by having a sober driver or a place to stay if going home is not an option. When you drink and drive, your life is not the only one at risk, it is a threat to everyone. In 2010, over 1.4 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. That's one percent of the 112 million self-reported episodes of alcohol-impaired driving among U.S. adults each year (CDC).
 None of this information is meant to scare people from ever drinking again. For some, this article will be forgotten by the end of the week when it is time to go out and have some fun. Underage drinking is unavoidable, the best thing to do is be smart about it. Drinking can effect college students in good ways as well as bad. As long as people are knowledgeable about their decisions while drinking alcohol, disasters can be avoided. Be safe and be smart!

Underage Drinking
Works Cited
Bergman, Paul. Underage Drinking and Minor-in-Possession Laws. n/d n/m 2014. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.
CDC. Drinking and Driving: A Threat to Everyone. 4 Oct. 2011. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.

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Underage Drinking
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