Preaching Poaching Problems
The biggest crime done to animals is poaching. Shooting animals illegally is like an officer shooting someone randomly with no reason or right to take the shot. It is a very serious crime that can lead to many problems such as damaged property and extinction of a species. The worst part about it is that poaching is one of the easiest things to stop. Just by turning in anyone seen poaching can bring down many of the poaching rates, because most poachers do not go completely unnoticed when they shoot an animal.
Many hunters don’t come upon poaching very often because they travel far distances to the place they hunt. This describes many people who hunt but live in a town or city. The mass majority of the people who will see someone poaching are people who live in the country. This is obvious because this is where most of the wildlife is. Farmers for sure will see most poaching incidents because drag marks and dead animals can be seen a lot easier when they are plowing a field from a higher view. Poaching is the illegal taking or possession of game animals and fish, non-game, and protected, threatened, or endangered fish and wildlife species (Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife). To sum that up even better, taking an animal or fish without a license is poaching. It may not seem like it is a huge problem at first. Taking a depth into the damages of poaching can show anyone how much of a problem it really is in Minnesota today.