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Chapter  I
    On this day, it was an interested day to listen about what is Assessment of Student Learning and learned so much especially in purpose of assessment which is easy to become so immersed in the job of teaching that we lose sight of the exact purpose of a particular element of assessment. We actually assess students for quite a range of different reasons - motivation, creating learning opportunities, to give feedback (to both students and staff), to grade, and as a quality assurance mechanism (both for internal and external systems). Because all too often we do not disentangle these functions of assessment, without having really thought it through assessments are frequently trying to do all these things, to varying degrees.

     It is important because of all the decisions you will make about children when teaching and caring for them. The decisions facing as teachers at the beginning of the period involve how best to educate children. As a teacher also, you will be called upon every day to make decisions before, during, and after your teaching. Whereas some of these decisions will seem small and inconsequential, others will be “high stakes,” influencing the life course of children. All of your assessment decisions taken as a whole will direct and alter children’s learning outcomes.  Some outlines for you and some purposes of assessment and how assessment can enhance your teaching and student learning. All of these purposes are important; if you use assessment procedures appropriately, you will help all children learn well.
Nature and Purposes of Assessment