Invalids' Voice
Love Shot
We all know that love is powerful and we would do anything for the people that we love here in the Wilds. However, even than this news comes as an extreme shock to all of us. A couple, by the names of Alex and Lena were running away together when they were stopped by a group of regulators. The regulators tried to stop the couple and give them a chance to be cured instead of getting shot down, but they, of course, refused. The reulators then began to come close to the couple as they sat, shaking on the boys motorcyle. As the regulators moved closer and closer Alex started the sound of his engine and scared the regulators back to their cars. This began a chase as Alex and Lena started speeding to the border in order to escape. The couple eventually reached the wall and jumped off the vehicle while it was in motion. The bike crashed into the wall temporarily killing the electricity that would've shocked the couple to death. The two were then surrounded by dozens upon dozens of regulators that pointed riffles at them, telling them to stop where they were and give up on love. Of course, even with guns pointing at them, they didn't listen and proceeded to climb the gates to the Wilds. As the women, Lena reached the other side of the wall and was free in the Wilds she turned back expecting her love, Alex, to be next to her but instead found him on the ground surrounded in a pool of blood. Sources say that he had taken a bullet for Lena and out of pure shock the only thing she could think to do was run away from the scene. We haven't gotten any more news about this situation since.
Advice Column
Q. Hey! I'm glad I found out that this Newpaper from the Wilds can secretly come to the Delerialess world. I'm an "infected" girl searching for advice. I'm in love with a boy that comes from the Wilds who made his way to this society. We both want to show each other our affection but at the same time we want to stay in the walls, but lately we've been thinking about escape. Should we try to run to the Wilds now or wait until we're ready? If we don't run how do we still show affection without getting caught or seeming suspicious? If we run to the Wilds, how do we do that without getting caught? Thank you for your advice. Please write back soon.
From, A girl that's in love!~
A. Are you stupid? This isn't even a question! Of course you should run away! If you stay where you are than you won't even have a chance at showing each other your love and affection! In fact, you'll probably be dead! Remember that no matter what you always have each other in your hearts, so even if one of you ends up dead, it will be okay. Here are some steps you need to follow in order to escape:
1. Gather yourself the following supplies: An escape vehicle, a knife, rope, a lot of cloth, duct tape, the ability to run, some trust, and a lot of love!
2. Choose somebody that's been cured that neither you nor your partner like. This person is going to be your hostage on this mission to freedom! (Tip: Make sure that they're a heavy sleeper so you can capture them at night without them waking up)
3. Go to your chosen hostages house and put duct tape on their mouth, cloth over their eyes, and tie up their hands and legs. Hold the knife to their neck (Or even just their arm) to get them to stop squirming and just cooperate.
4. Get on your vehicle and start to drive away to the gates (Preferably in the shadows). Try to keep your hostage as quiet as possible
5. Put cloth on the tops of the gate. Sometimes the regulators will turn on the electricity at any given point while you're climbing over the fence so if there's cloth (But only thick cloth) It will be insulated enough for you to still climb over.
6. The only problem with the cloth is that now you have close to no grip on the fence! This is where your trusty rope comes in! Throw the rope at the top of the gate and tie it around. Now you just have to pull yourself up with the rope!
7. Climb to the other side!
8. Remove the cloth and the rope. You don't want regulators to be able to track you down using the evidence you leave behind! (Well...except for that hostage that you're leaving on the other side)
9. Run into the Wilds. Relax. You're free now!
Hopefully you won't die or get caught while doing any of this. However, if you do get caught just hold your lovely knife to your hostages throat. The regulators that caught you will most likely realize that your hostage is cured, and they ADORE their cured citizens and will beg for you to not kill them. You give them their cured, and in return, you escape! I hope you find this useful! If you end up trying this and you find any kinks in the plan please write us back...unless you're in the Crypts...or dead.
Help Wanted
A young man by the name of Alex recently got shot down after trying to escape to the Wilds with a women named Lena. He had been working as a guard at the crypts and a Regulator/Guard that protected the loading dock. We are searching for strong, CURED, young men to replace his positions. If you are interested in this job, please call 123-456-7890 or talk with a regulator on the streets!
The Cure
Movie Review
I can already tell that this is going to be one of the number one hits of my generation. Lauren Oliver's book "Delirium" has been turned into a movie and will soon be released to the theatre. If you love movies that are closely related to their books than this is the perfect choice!
Director, Joss Whedon (The direction of Avengers) has done an excellent representation of the novel. Every major detail of the book has been kept and the casting was spectacular.
This must-see movie creates a spectacular new world where love is a disease. Even just the mention of the word 'love' is seen as a curse. In this world, teenager Lena (Played by Emilia Clark from The Rains of Castamere) is torn in deciding whether to follow the rules of the society or go after the love of her life, Alex (Played by Josh Hutchinson from the Hunger Games: Catching Fire).
She's convinced that following the society's rules is the only way that she's going to survive and tries to stop loving Alex. But, after some guidance from Lena's best friend Hana (Played by Emily Kinney from It's Complicated) Lena decides that the only thing that she can do to make herself happy is to disobey the society's rules and go after the love of her life. However, what will the effects be?
Other Characters Are:
-Rachel [Lena's Sister] Played by: Zoe Saldana from Avatar
-Aunt Carol [Lena's Aunt] Played by: Jennifer Aniston from The One Where Monica Gets A Roommate
-Grace [Lena's cousin] Played by Aubrey Miller from Faith, Hope, Love
-Jenny [Lena's cousin] Played by Chloe Lukasiak from Chloe Vs. Kendal
-Evaluator 1 Played by Delany Williams from Ladder 49
-Evaluator 2 Played by Duane Chase from The Sound of Music
-Evaluator 3 Played by Holly Gagnier from One Life to Live
-Regulator Played by Romano Orzar from Immortals
-Nurse Played by Morgan Eastwood from Million Dollar Baby
-Brian Played by Lee Pace from Soldiers Girl